Attention Bergen County Residents…
“At Last! A Bergen County Weight Loss Program That Actually Produces Long-Lasting & Life-Changing Results!”
Discover the Secrets to Weight Loss That So Many Other Bergen County Residents Have At
VIP 1to1 Fitness Center / Fitness Formula…
From the Desk of Brian Hernandez
Owner of VIP 1to1 Fitness/Fitness Formula – Fort Lee, New Jersey
Dear Friend:
It’s really true…You CAN Lose Weight and Keep it Off FOREVER!
And, it really isn’t difficult…once you let me show you how…
Now, for all my skeptical friends out there, let me share this with you first to set your mind at ease and show you how this Bergen County weight loss program is different – REALLY DIFFERENT!
How is it different?
You mean, other than the fact that IT WORKS? 😉
That’s easy. It’s different because…I UNDERSTAND.
Allow me to fully introduce myself and tell you what I mean when I say, “I understand your struggles with weight loss.”
My name is Brian Hernandez and I have helped 100’s of Bergen County residents lose unwanted body fat and transform into fit toned bodies….
So, as you can see, I very much understand the weight loss battle, and I know what it takes to lose weight. I’ve dedicated my life to helping people right here in Bergen County lose weight and feel great! Now, I want to help YOU lose weight and feel great, too!!
Fair enough?
Or Call 201 947 2003 Right Now!
Need to know a little more?
Sure thing. Let me share some more details about our weight loss program and how you can start seeing results immediately. But first, let me overcome one of the biggest concerns I get when I talk to people about my weight loss program:
“Is this program really right for me? Am I going to be able to handle it?”
“Is this program really right for me? Is it going to be too easy or basic?”
That is a very legitimate concern, and actually one I think needs to be asked. Unfortunately, in today’s quick-fix and make-money-fast world a lot of good people are sold on weight loss programs that just aren’t appropriate for them. Many of them are too generic, while others are way too advanced, and some are just downright INSANE!
The short answer to you question is, YES!
Now, let me explain how why…
“Finally! A Bergen County Weight Loss Program That’s Appropriate for ALL Fitness Levels.”
“Finally! A Bergen County Weight Loss Program That’s Appropriate for ALL Fitness Levels.”
Seriously, this program works for EVERYONE who wants it to. Just take a look at these amazing results from all different types of people. I bet one of our successful members started off in a very similar spot as you…
“Now It’s Your Turn To Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Look The Best You Ever Have. You Deserve It, Too!”
Or Call 201 947 2003 Right Now!
I really am excited to help you lose weight and get in great shape. Helping my neighbors in Bergen County with their weight loss goals is my passion – I’m 100% dedicated to helping you lose your unwanted weight NOW!
Let’s get started.
P.S. – Now’s your chance to take advantage of our FREE [X] WEEK TRIAL and see for yourself that YOU CAN ACHIEVE ALL YOUR WEIGHT LOSS & FITNESS GOALS!
P.P.S. – The next 2 weeks are going to go by no matter what… You might as well make good use of them with this special free trial offer… CALL OR CLICK RIGHT NOW!
Or Call 201 947 2003 Right Now!

Or visit this link:
Bergen County Weight Loss
FREEBody Diagnostic

- Personalized Fitness Assessment
- Body Diagnostics Testing
- Nutrition Consultation
- FREE Fat Burning Foods Report
- FREE Abs Secret Report
- No-Obligation Fitness Consultation