What Makes V.I.P. 1 to 1 Fitness Center Better Than The Rest?
Put simply, it’s the scientific method we put into training every single client. The process isn’t complicated but the results are EXTRAORDINARY every time.
- We start with aesthetics. We’ll show you different body types, and YOU tell us how you want to look.
- We’ll take measurements every 6-weeks to make sure you’re re doing your part and that we’re doing ours. We can make any adjustments that are necessary.
- After you hit your goal, we teach you how to maintain those results and build healthy habits with you over months. You’ll never be on your own.
- Instead of a diet or counting calories, you’ll learn a new eating philosophy over time. That way, keeping your results will be as effortless as possible.
- We don’t treat symptoms, we give you the cure – adding muscle that will help you keep the weight off. That’s what makes us different from everyone else – accountability.

Accountability And A Plan Created Just For You
The body of your dream starts with your personalized fitness plan at your FREE diagnostic session. All you have to do to get started is click the button, fill out the form, and then show up to your appointment.
And because we’re SERIOUS about helping you, even if you choose not to train with us, we’ll still give you the results of your body scan at NO CHARGE.
At V.I.P. 1 to 1 Fitness Center you have nothing to lose but unwanted fat! So why not come give us a try? Book Your Free Body Diagnostic Today!
Again, It’s Free!
Your Body Transformation Begins NOW!
FREEBody Diagnostic

- Personalized Fitness Assessment
- Body Diagnostics Testing
- Nutrition Consultation
- FREE Fat Burning Foods Report
- FREE Abs Secret Report
- No-Obligation Fitness Consultation

Yes, V.I.P. 1 to 1 Fitness Center Is Right For You!
If you’re still reading, you’ve probably got one or two objections. I want to SQUASH those right now, so you can finally take control of your health and get the results you deserve.
Is V.I.P. 1 to 1 Fitness Center Right For Me?
Yes! 100%. We usually hear this from people who don’t have any fitness experience or who have tried other fad diets/workouts and not getting the results they want. We understand those people are hurt and frustrated.
That’s why we build every fitness plan to YOUR current level. If you’ve never lifted a weight before or get winded going to the mailbox, we can help you! We’ve helped thousands of people just like you over the years take control of their health and get the body they deserve.

Is V.I.P. 1 to 1 Fitness Center Expensive?
V.I.P. 1 to 1 Fitness Center is WAY more affordable than the alternative.
Let’s not forget the health care costs of poor health from a bad diet, lack of exercise, or excess weight. Or the EMOTIONAL cost of just not being happy with the way you look.
When you come to us, you’re not just getting personal training. You are getting a complete lifestyle change and body transformation. These are new SKILLS you can carry through with you for the rest of your life.
When compared to liposuction, lap-band surgery, and weightloss clinics – those are only temporary solutions that cost hundreds to THOUSANDS per pound lost.

No… we can’t promise you to join our gym for $10/month like those big box gyms, but they’re not counting on you to lose weight anyway (that’s why they give out free pizza, bagels, and candy!).
What we can promise is incremental progress that adds up to BIG CHANGES and LASTING RESULTS.
So, are you with me now? Good – go ahead and click the button below let’s get started with your FREE Body Diagnostic. (And even if you still have questions or doubts – click the button below, and we can talk about them at your appointment!)