Can I Workout While Pregnant?

While everyone is different and has different experiences and health conditions, in general, it’s not only safe to workout when you’re pregnant, but also beneficial. However, ultimately, you need to discuss this with your health care professional, especially if you have health issues or complications. Even if you’re not a first time mother and have worked out previously, each pregnancy is different, too.

The type of exercise you do makes a difference.

If you’re considering increasing the amount of time you walk, most physicians would agree wholeheartedly. However, taking up skiing as a beginner or contact sports might not be recommended. A lot depends on what you’ve done previously, your present level of fitness and how far into the pregnancy you are. Even if you played a contact sport for years before the pregnancy, it might not be wise to do so while pregnant. Kickboxing, martial arts, and basketball or football are a few examples.

If you’ve been working out regularly, can you continue?

The answer is yes, but with some rules. For instance, some exercises, like leg lifts, stress the abdomen, just as full sit-ups, and deep knee bends. Those should be avoided. Talk with your health care professional about your regular workout and exercises to avoid. If you’ve never lived an active lifestyle, you shouldn’t start with rigorous training if you’re pregnant. Taking up competitive weightlifting or training for an Ironman race should be postponed until after the baby comes. Swimming, using step machines or walking are good ways to start exercising if you’re pregnant.

There are many benefits from exercising when you’re pregnant.

You’ll help maintain a healthy weight and maintain your fitness level better if you exercise when you’re pregnant. Exercise and being fit helps you have an easier birthing experience and an easier labor. It can improve your mood, make recovery from pregnancy quicker, and help keep your energy levels higher, both during pregnancy and after the baby is born. Exercise can help prevent gestational diabetes, boost your immune system and prevent fluid retention. It can help reduce morning sickness in the early months, aid in sleep and keep you and your baby healthier.

  • If you’ve had spotting, have a history of miscarriage, or have a weak cervix, take caution. Discuss it with your doctor.
  • When exercising, avoid exercises that involve twisting at the waist or exercises that have high impact and involve jumping. Avoid stretches that cause you to bounce. When you’re working out, breathe normally and don’t hold your breath.
  • While you should never start a program that involves lifting ultra-heavy weights, using light weights can prepare your arms for holding the baby. Other exercises, like Kegels, pelvic tilts and cardio are particularly helpful for delivery.
  • Avoid exercising in excessive heat, even when you’re not pregnant. Make sure you follow otherwise exercise rules, like hydrating regularly. During later months, as your center of gravity changes, avoid bicycling and switch to a stationary bike.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

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