
Fitness Is Mental

Fitness Is Mental

Clients at VIP Fitness in Fort Lee, NJ, tell me the two hardest things to overcome on their road to good health are motivating themselves to start a fitness program and pushing themselves each day to go to the gym. It’s the reason that many people think that getting fit is more mental than it is physical. If your brain can’t convince your body to start exercising, you won’t get any benefits. It takes mental toughness to persuade ourselves that pushing hard and exercising are beneficial. It’s also far too easy to say, “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

You need clear goals and a path to reach them.

You’ll improve your chances of success if you have a goal and a way to achieve that goal. Identify the number of pounds if your goal is weight loss. Is your goal 20 pounds, 30, or more? Clearly define the goal. Include the steps it takes and provide a timeline. Make the goal achievable. If losing 30 pounds is your goal, it’s neither possible nor healthy to lose it in two weeks.

Break down the goal into smaller steps that are easy to achieve.

Breaking down the goal into smaller steps you can achieve quickly boosts your motivation and overcomes being overwhelmed. If someone told you that you had to walk from Fort Lee, NJ, to Washington, DC, you would probably protest that it’s too far. You’d say that even if they promised food and shelter along the way. It’s almost 235 miles! If they added you had two months to do it, it would mean walking less than four miles daily, which is an easy, achievable goal. Every day you started to walk, you’d know you were one day closer and might walk further. Breaking down that goal into smaller bites made it easier to accept the challenge.

Keep your goal in front of you.

Keeping your goal in front of you helps remind you what to do to achieve it. Don’t forget to track your progress. Tracking your progress turns it into a game and makes it more fun. If you’re not making progress, it also tells you you’re doing something wrong. Maybe you should change your exercise program or aren’t sticking with your eating plan. It helps to keep a food journal and record everything you eat. You might be surprised that you toss snacks in your mouth without thinking pretty often.

  • Don’t always judge your progress by what the scale says. You can use your measurements, or if you’re exercising for health reasons, your blood sugar, blood pressure, or other health indicator.
  • It takes more than just exercising and dieting to be your best. Adequate sleep is vital. When you lack sleep, your body produces more ghrelin—the hunger hormone—and less leptin—the satiety hormone. You’ll be hungrier.
  • Sticking with a goal and seeing it through to success builds mental toughness. That’s the ability to continue long after others quit. It helps you have the grit to achieve other goals not related to fitness.
  • Your attitude determines how motivated you are. If you dread going to the gym and tell yourself it’s awful, the chances of skipping days or quitting increase.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Snacks That Actually Give You Energy

Snacks That Actually Give You Energy

We help clients at VIP Fitness in Fort Lee, NJ, learn to eat healthier. That includes more than meals. It includes snacks as well. What you eat should give you energy without spiking blood sugar. Food that causes blood sugar to rise rapidly has an aftereffect. It also causes blood sugar levels to drop just as rapidly. The type of snack you eat makes a difference. Eating the right food before exercising can improve the quality of your session and start the recovery process.

If you snack before working out or afterward, make it a combination of carbs and protein.

Combining the two, carbohydrates and protein, gives you quicker energy that lasts longer due to the protein. Examples are nuts and raisins or homemade trail mix, cheese and crackers, or veggies and Greek yogurt dip. The addition of protein to the snack not only keeps the energy level high: it starts the recovery process. Dark chocolate is 70% or more cacao and has less sugar. Having a few dark chocolate-covered almonds is another option. High percentages of cacao are the better.

Fresh fruit or vegetables and peanut butter are excellent choices.

Peanut butter and apples or celery is an energy-boosting choice, especially if the celery and peanut butter combo is topped with raisins for the kid favorite, ants on a log. Greek yogurt with fresh fruit in the bottom is another option. Avoid the type with the fruit already mixed into it. That type of fruit in yogurt is laden with added sugar. Mixing a half cup of yogurt with a half banana and adding berries and nuts is another treat that keeps energy levels high longer.

Energy snacks don’t have to be sweet.

Make a pint salad jar. You can add whatever ingredients you have in the refrigerator. It’s all about how you layer it. The dressing goes on the bottom topped with hard vegetables like carrots, celery, or radish slices. That prevents softer veggies, like lettuce, from getting soggy. Layer your protein next. It can be quinoa, or pieces of chicken, shrimp, or other animal protein. Finalize the jar with soft veggies like lettuce and top with something crunchy. Add herbs, berries, feta cheese, and other ingredients to add tang, sweetness, and interest. It will keep your energy high. Make several jars at once. Use smaller ones for snacks and larger ones for meals.

  • A hard-boiled egg is a protein source. Cut it in half and create a two sweet, deviled egg halves for a quick snack that boosts your energy.
  • Make energy balls. Combine toasted oats or wheat germ with peanut butter and a small amount of honey. Form balls and roll them in remaining toasted oats or wheat germ. Store in the refrigerator for a quick pick-me-up.
  • If you need energy and don’t have a snack ready, opt for protein bars or commercial trail mix. Look for ones sweetened with dates, figs, or other fruit and containing protein.
  • Cottage cheese topped with fruit or unsweetened applesauce is easy to make, boosts energy quickly, and keeps energy levels high longer.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Why HIIT Exercises Help With Depression

Why HIIT Exercises Help With Depression

Depression can affect anyone at any time. It’s more than just feeling sad or having the blues. It’s a clinical problem that requires treatment. Depression can come from mental or physical issues, so always check with your healthcare professional when you experience symptoms. Exercise, no matter what the type, can help depression. It’s become an adjunct therapy that works better than some medications. The more intense the exercise, the better. The body can’t operate at peak intensity for very long. It’s why HIIT exercises are so beneficial. It alternates the intensity between peak and recovery pace.

HIIT boosts circulation.

Exercise of any type helps with depression. Adding walks to your day can help. Studies show that even weightlifting can improve self-image. The faster you walk, the better the results. That’s because the more rapid the walk, the more it increases your respiration and heart rate. That increases circulation and sends nutrient and oxygen-laden blood throughout the body, including the brain. Increased intensity also triggers natural pain relievers that make you feel calm and at ease, like serotonin. The increased oxygen and nutrients help heal damaged brain cells and trigger new neural pathway creation.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid—GABA—and glutamate are neurotransmitters that work together.

People with depression often have an imbalance of brain chemicals. GABA and glutamate are two of those. GABA calms the brain, and glutamate stimulates it. Balance is vital to people with severe depression and improves their mood. Increasing GABA may be perfect for someone with mild depression. HIIT also increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor—BDNF. BDNF regulates mood. HIIT has shown beneficial for depression, anxiety, and mood-related disorders, like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

You may not be up to a HIIT workout.

Not everyone can run at peak speed for even a minute. That doesn’t mean they can’t use HIIT. You can modify walking to create HIIT workouts. Walk as fast as possible for a few seconds and then reduce your pace to a recovery one to catch your breath. It’s all about adjusting your speed and pushing hard for short periods. As you get fitter, you can either increase peak speed, extend the period of peak performance, or shorten recovery time.

  • HIIT workouts and all types of exercise have cumulative benefits. You’ll feel better when you do, but the feeling lasts longer and is more intense the more often you do it.
  • HIIT benefits also improve heart health more rapidly. You’ll boost endurance quicker and spend less time exercising using HIIT workouts.
  • HIIT can burn off stress hormones like cortisol. Stress and depression are bidirectional. Stress may cause depression, which causes depression to create more stress. Eliminating stress can help lift depression.
  • The physical benefits of HIIT workouts can lead to improved mood and reduced depression. You’ll have more energy and look better. Your posture improves with exercise. All those things make you feel better.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Let Exercise Be Your Stress Reliever

Let Exercise Be Your Stress Reliever

One of the things I most often hear from busy people is that they don’t have time to exercise. Their life is already too chaotic to add one more thing to do. While it’s true that exercise takes time, it’s a stress reliever that can clear your head. It also helps you become more productive. That means you save time doing other things while you stay healthier. The healthier you are, the less time you spend at the doctor’s office and the more energy you have.

Stress triggers the fight-or-flight response.

The flight-or-fight response was beneficial for cavemen. It prepared their bodies for battle or running as fast as possible in dangerous situations. The situations that cause stress today are different. Instead of being chased by a saber-toothed tiger, people feel stress caught in a traffic jam. Instead of fighting off a warring tribe, people are under stress fighting to return a defective purchase. You don’t even need the stress-causing person to be there. Doing your taxes is a perfect example of that. The hormones cause bodily changes that can affect good health if they don’t return to normal.

Exercise burns off the stress hormones.

Cortisol is one of the stress hormones. It causes inflammation, which is good in the short term but dangerous when chronic. A chronic overload of cortisol weakens your immune system. It causes high blood pressure and increased blood sugar. It clouds your thinking, affects metabolism, and affects the sleep-wake cycle. Exercising burns off the stress hormones and replaces them with ones that make you feel good.

Mental health professionals and medical doctors are prescribing exercise.

Stress can cause anxiety and depression. It’s why mental health professionals use it as an adjunct therapy. It helps relieve both as well or better than prescription drugs and has only positive side effects. It aids patients with declining mental acuity and helps them think clearer, slowing the effects of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease. It also helps lower blood pressure and decreases insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a precursor of diabetes.

  • When you work out, it changes your focus. Exercise may put you in a meditative state. You’re focusing on each movement, not the office squabble or the guy who cut you off on the road.
  • The stress hormone cortisol is linked to the accumulation of belly fat. Belly fat is visceral fat, the most dangerous type that’s the hardest to lose. Studies show that strength-building exercises are good stress busters.
  • The diversity and population of beneficial microbes in the gut affect your emotional well-being. Exercising increases microbial diversity and boosts the beneficial population.
  • When you’re under stress, your muscles often remain under tension. That tension makes the feeling of stress continue. Exercise breaks muscle tension and helps the muscles relax.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Ways To Stick To Your Fitness Goal

Ways To Stick To Your Fitness Goal

Many people in Fort Lee, NJ, find it a task to maintain their fitness. You have to say no to delicious treats that are unhealthy and yes to exercise. Since time began, many have struggled to make physical tasks easier. It’s almost against the nature of man to add physical work that doesn’t build a shelter or end by accomplishing a task. What most people don’t realize is that it is productive. It’s sculpting your body and keeping you healthy. Changing your perspective on exercise helps.

Start with realistic expectations.

If you were building something and never had any training, would you start with a 30-story office building or shelves for storage? Realistic people wouldn’t expect to build a 30-story by themselves because they don’t have the skills to do it. The storage shelves are more realistic. Use the same realism to set fitness goals. You can set a big goal, like losing 50 pounds, but break it down into more easily achievable goals, such as losing two pounds weekly for twenty-five weeks. You can achieve each weekly goal. That success can help you stick with your long-term goals.

Be consistent.

Start planning meals. Schedule your exercise session as an appointment that’s as important as any doctor’s appointment. Put it on your schedule at the same time every day. It becomes a daily habit and makes it easier to maintain. If you’re eating junk, you won’t get the success you want. Meal planning can help. It keeps you on the road to healthy eating. You plan the meal on one day and create a grocery list. You shop another day. When you have a whole day off, you cook all the meals for the week at once. During the week, all you have to do is heat and eat.

Find a workout buddy to hold you accountable.

Accountability is vital for success. Some people can hold themselves accountable, but not everyone does. That group is relatively small. Studies show that people are more consistent when they answer to someone. One study found that people exercised more consistently when someone called them once a week to check progress. Just imagine how effective it can be when it’s a workout partner. It’s one reason personal trainers are so effective. They hold you accountable for showing up and doing your best.

  • Winners keep score. Track your workouts or food intake. Always track your successes and failures, whether it’s weight or inches lost, energy gained, or health indicator numbers improving. Turn it into a game.
  • Increase your activity level beyond the gym. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk more, and plan active pastimes.
  • Eat slower. Eat mindfully and chew each bite until it’s a liquid. The longer you take, the more time it gives your stomach to message the brain that you’re full so you eat less. It also aids with digestion.
  • Get more sleep. When you lack sleep, you don’t feel like exercising. You also eat more. That’s because the body makes more ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and less leptin, the satiety hormone.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Is Fruit Juice Bad For You?

People in Fort Lee, NJ, trying to eat healthier frequently turn to fruit juice as an alternative to soft drinks. There are many redeeming qualities in fruit juice. It is a more nutritional option than soft drinks but not necessarily the best choice. Fruit juice has all the nutrients except one important thing contained in whole fruit. That missing factor is fiber.

What’s the difference between fruit and fruit juice?

Fruit juice has all the nutrients and phytochemicals that the fruit contains except fiber. Fruit juice also contains all the sugar in the fruit. Fiber controls how quickly the fruit sugar enters the bloodstream. It slows down the absorption of sugar, so it doesn’t cause a spike in blood glucose levels. That spike causes a rush of insulin, which can cause insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, hyperglycemia, and some types of cancer.

Fiber provides many benefits.

Studies show that people who eat a diet higher in fiber have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Increasing fiber in the diet can also lower cholesterol levels. Studies show that consuming whole fruit reduced bad cholesterol levels by 6.9% compared to drinking fiber-free juice. Other studies show a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes by eating fruit, rather than drinking its juice. You’ll also feel fuller when you eat the whole fruit. Fiber slows digestion and keeps you feeling full longer.

If you purchase commercial fruit juice, you don’t always know what you’re getting.

The fruit juice in small boxes showing a picture of the fresh fruit and is often given to children is deceiving. You automatically think it’s pure fruit juice. Many times, it’s not. You have to read the label. If the carton doesn’t say, “100% fruit juice,” you’re getting additives, fruit flavoring, and even more added sugar.

  • It takes about three oranges to make an 8 oz glass of orange juice that isn’t nearly as filling as eating one orange. Even orange juice with added fiber isn’t as filling as eating an orange.
  • Not all sugar is equal. High fructose consumption is associated with heart disease, gout, high blood pressure, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and diabetes.
  • One glass of fruit juice in the morning contains eight teaspoons of sugar, of which four are from fructose. One glass of cola contains approximately the same amount of sugar. It has ten teaspoons.
  • If you’re going on a juice diet, use a blender, not a juicer. It’s closer to eating the whole fruit and contains all the fiber of the fruit. The fiber contains polyphenols that are antioxidants.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Get Pain Relief From Arthritis Naturally

Get Pain Relief From Arthritis Naturally

Illness or injury can cause pain. Exercise can also create pain if you overdo it. One of the most devastating types of pain comes from arthritis. It’s a deep pain that inhibits movement. It can cause people to take OTC drugs like ibuprofen or acetaminophen so they can function each day. Unfortunately, taking too many OTC and prescription pain relief drugs comes with an entirely different set of issues. You can reduce arthritis pain naturally. The only side effect is improved health.

Moderate exercise can help reduce pain.

Exercise helps build ligaments, tendons, and muscles around the joints to help relieve pressure that causes pain. It helps reduce stiffness. If you have joint pain in the hips, knees, or ankles, exercise can help you lose weight which reduces the pressure on joints. It can improve sleep, which also helps you deal with pain more effectively. The exercise should be mild and low impact.

Increased synovial fluid helps the joints glide with ease.

The synovial fluid is a liquid found in the joints. It’s a thick lubricant that keeps the joints lubricated. The cartilage in the joint absorbs it, allowing the joint to move more freely. Exercise increases the synovial fluid around the joint and increases its circulation. The increased circulation helps reduce inflammation and sends nutrient and oxygen-laden blood to the joints. That can improve balance. Staying adequately hydrated can also boost pain relief. Even mild dehydration can increase pain.

Your diet plays a role in pain relief.

If you’re in pain, cut out products with added sugar. Sugar increases inflammation. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids by including fatty fish like salmon, flaxseed, and walnuts, in your diet. Your body needs a 1:1 to a 4:1 balance of omega-6 to omega-3. Too much omega-6 can cause inflammation. Studies show adjusting your diet to a 2:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 can reduce the risk of arthritis pain. Increasing phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables can help. Phytonutrients that give blueberries its blue color and make red tart cherries red can also reduce inflammation and ease arthritic pain.

  • The sulforaphane in broccoli and other crucifers also helps. One study found the nutrients in asparagus also reduce arthritic pain. Avoid junk food, especially when it contains sugar. Both alcohol and sugar exacerbate the pain.
  • Use spice and teas to relieve pain. Turmeric, ginger, and green tea can help reduce inflammation and pain. To maximize the benefits of turmeric, mix it with black pepper. Avoid red meat.
  • Fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish help reduce pain. You can even eat a small amount of dark chocolate for arthritis pain relief. Combine that dark chocolate with nuts for a snack that relieves pain.
  • If you eat red meat, use meat from pastured animals. Studies show that all animal products from pastured animals, including eggs and milk, are higher in omega-3 fatty acids.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Learn To Love The Burn

Learn To Love The Burn

Feel the burn or love the burn, both these phrases describe feeling the accomplishment of pushing yourself until you feel the burning feeling in your muscles. That burning occurs when the body fuels the muscles in a process known as glycolysis. It causes glucose to break down to create adenosine triphosphate—ATP. The amount produced depends on how much oxygen is available. The higher the intensity level the more anaerobic glycolysis takes place. Lactate is the byproduct. The increased lactate causes a hydrogen ion to separate to create lactic acid which causes a drop in the cell’s pH. You don’t have to feel the burn to benefit from a workout.

There are two types of exercise, anaerobic and aerobic.

Compared to aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise occurs in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic exercise causes a burning feeling because it uses fast-twitch muscles that don’t use oxygen efficiently. Anaerobic exercise is high-intensity exercise, like HIIT—high intensity interval training—workouts. Aerobic exercise is just as beneficial, but at a low enough intensity to avoid the burn. It’s activities like swimming, cycling, and walking. You’ll get benefits from both types of exercise.

You can reduce lactic acid build-up and sore muscles following exercise.

Lactate will build up at some level during anaerobic training, no matter what steps you take to prevent it, but you can reduce the amount created. That allows you to workout harder without causing the burn. Staying hydrated helps. Doing warm-up exercises before working out and taking deep breaths also helps. You should avoid high-intensity workouts two days in a row to prevent build-up and for recovery. Pre-workout and post-workout snacks also help reduce the burn.

Since you won’t completely eliminate it, learn to love it.

Even if you do everything right to eliminate the burn, you’ll still experience it at high-intensity levels or when you push your body to produce more. Embrace that burn as a sign you’re making progress and pushing yourself toward your peak performance. If you love the reassurance of the burn, switch to HIIT workouts or weightlifting and take the extra steps to prevent it from occurring. It allows you to push yourself harder.

  • Don’t push yourself every day to do high-intensity workouts. Your body needs to rest and heal. If you’re doing strength training, allow 48-72 hours for the muscles you worked to heal before doing it again.
  • Work out regularly to increase your body’s tolerance for exercise. Do high-intensity workouts a few days a week with active recovery workouts on other days. Active recovery workouts include walking, core workouts, or swimming.
  • Judge your progress using the burn and use it as a reference point. The burn lets you know when you’re challenging your body. When you can lift more weight or do a longer high-intensity workout before the burn starts, the more progress you’re making.
  • Cool-down exercises after working out can help speed recovery and prevent muscle pain. Hydrate before exercise, during it, and when you cool down.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

No More Average Workouts

No More Average Workouts

At VIP Fitness in Fort Lee, NJ, we focus on helping you achieve your goals. We create a workout that allows you to reach those goals quicker and focus on excellence, not average. What is the difference between an excellent workout and an average one? It’s not how much time you spend at the gym working out, what is it? It’s how efficient you are, the effort you put in, and the attention to detail, which includes ensuring you’re doing every movement correctly.

It starts with a program designed to fit your goal, fitness level, and needs.

Our trainers create programs that are personalized. You’ll get the fastest results and reach your goal quicker using scientifically tested techniques. They show you how to do each movement and then watch to ensure you do it correctly. Your program will push you hard, but still be safely within your abilities. The trainers track your progress. Tracking your progress creates a visual representative of how far you’ve come or how you’re missing your mark. Winners keep score and tracking your workout makes you a winner.

Use the latest methods that get the best results for your body and your goal.

Not every exercise provides the same results for fitness. Some exercises even work better for some people than they do for others. The time you spend in the gym is valuable so you need to maximize your efficiency and choose the right exercises for your needs and body. It’s all about finding the most efficient workout to help you reach your goals. Our trainers do that for you and by tracking your workout and progress, also ensure that it performs as planned and gives you great results.

You have to put in the effort.

You reap what you sow. If you half-heartedly exercise, you’ll see half-hearted results. The next time you work out, ask yourself if you’re giving 100% or if you could do more. Try to push a little harder to see if it’s possible. It might feel uncomfortable initially, but when you see superior results, you’ll be glad you put forth that effort. Focus on detail. Do every minute movement correctly and with enthusiasm before pushing toward higher reps. Focus on tempo and body position.

  • Getting results also depends on your diet. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Avoid foods that cause inflammation, such as sugary food, and include whole foods that contain a plethora of nutrients.
  • The things you do outside the gym also count. Your body requires adequate sleep to get the full benefits of your exercise program. Keep your room cool and dark. Remove phones, TVs, and computers from your bedroom.
  • Consistency is also a key to success. It’s getting exercise at a scheduled time every day that takes the workout beyond average to excellent.
  • Focus on a good mental attitude, not just about working out, but life in general. Learn an attitude of gratitude and ways to cut stress quickly, like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or visualization.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Is Your Extra Weight Because Of A Hormone Imbalance?

Is Your Extra Weight Because Of A Hormone Imbalance?

If you feel like you’re carrying enough extra weight to qualify for a Strongman Competition, don’t despair. You may have dieted faithfully, and nothing seemed to budge them. Even though those excess pounds may be stubborn, the problem may be a hormone imbalance. Some imbalances come from medical issues, so get a complete physical first. Treating the issue can take care of the problem. You can realign hormones naturally by eating the right food and exercising.

Most people think of sex hormones when they hear the word.

Hormones are messengers and guide all types of functions. Some of those are sex hormones, but there are so many others that can be out of balance. Insulin is one of the hormones. It tells the cells to open and uptake energy. Another hormonal pair that can affect your weight is the leptin/ghrelin hormones. Leptin makes you feel full, and ghrelin makes you hungry. Lack of sleep can cause an imbalance by increasing ghrelin and reducing leptin production. Cortisol is a stress hormone that prepares your body for fleeing or fighting. Both insulin and cortisol excess can cause weight gain. The weight gain is in a specific area, the belly. Exercise and a healthy diet can help rebalance both.

Thyroid hormones may be causing your body to burn fewer calories.

You often hear people say they have a thyroid problem that slows their metabolism. In many cases, unless they’ve consulted medical experts, it’s not the case. Besides weight gain, other signs of an inactive thyroid include constipation, sensitivity to heat or cold, fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, and an irregular heartbeat. Even if the problem exists, there are still ways to help. Cut out highly processed food and food with added sugar. Learning meditation and other stress relievers can help. So can regular exercise. Always follow your healthcare professional’s advice before starting any fitness program.

Diminishing stress hormones can cause weight gain.

Women go through many hormonal changes during perimenopause and menopause. Men also have a similar reduction of testosterone around the same time. Both can cause the accumulation of belly fat. You can even help those imbalances with exercise and diet. Both males and females benefit from increased exercise, particularly strength training, a healthy diet with slightly more protein, stress management, increased sun time or vitamin D, quality sleep, and less alcohol.

  • Genetics help determine whether you’ll lose muscle mass faster as you age. You can’t change genetics, but you can slow the loss of muscle mass with strength training.
  • Focusing on core training can help prevent belly fat. It can also help maintain posture and reduce the loss of height that comes with aging.
  • Exercise can help you sleep. Adequate sleep can reduce your appetite by maintaining your ghrelin and leptin hormone balance. If you constantly snack, eat healthy options like fruits and vegetables.
  • Stress can do more than cause weight gain. It can increase blood sugar levels and release stress hormones that change how insulin works. That can cause insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes and weight gain.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center