Fun Fitness Activities To Do With The Kids

Every parent wants what’s best for their kids. They want them to have all the advantages they didn’t have growing up. Unfortunately, many fun activities for children today revolve around a sedentary lifestyle. While it might be fun, it doesn’t encourage fitness. Studies show that children perform better in school when they’re fit. It can benefit your child to search for ways to keep them active while having fun.

Start making exercise fun when they’re young.

Young children love special time with Mom or Dad. It doesn’t matter whether it’s sitting on their lap, playing peek-a-boo, or holding hands and walking. Why not include them in your exercise routine? You can make your crunches more fun by sitting your little one on your belly and leaning back on your legs. As you lift your head, blow a kiss, say boo, or do whatever it takes to get them to laugh. They can join you in exercise the older they get. They may not have the perfect form for windmills or jumping jacks, but it’s fun and active. It lets you get in exercise time and spend time with them.

Make family time active time.

Go for walks together and discover nature. It helps boost their mental and physical abilities. Take bike rides in safe areas as a family. Stop and have lunch along the way. Visit a park to hike and swim. All these are active ways to enjoy life. Keep the computers at home and cell phones in the backpack and not in use. Don’t allow electronic gadgets to spoil your fun. Use them only for calls or to find directions.

Involve the neighborhood or other parents in the quest for fitness.

Have a neighborhood hula-hoop challenge or get together with other parents and walk your kids to school when the weather is nice. You’ll be surprised at how many other parents love the idea but don’t want to be the only ones to do it. Your kids will appreciate they’re not the only family doing it, especially if they’re older. Whether it’s hanging a basketball hoop or creating an obstacle path to run, making it easier to stay active helps keep children moving.

  • Focus gifts on things that keep you and your child active. Make Christmas a time for giving all family members bikes or choose an active family vacation. Use the trip as an incentive to exercise and get into shape.
  • Turn up the music and dance with the kids. Impromptu dance time can be fun. It doesn’t have to be any particular time. Do it when the mood strikes. Use the same song and act out the song with exaggerated movement.
  • Even chores can be fun. Raking the leaves together and letting the children jump in the big pile of leaves can be fun. Do speed cleaning and make it a race to see who gets finished first.
  • Studies show that too much computer time is unhealthy. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests only an hour or two daily on electronics. Too much time can cause stress. Staying active boosts brain power and keeps your child healthy.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

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