
How To Workout Like A Navy SEAL

How To Workout Like A Navy SEAL

If you’re going workout like a Navy SEAL, you have to be in shape first. Just getting a chance to become a SEAL is pretty tough. You need to be at peak performance to pass the entrance requirements. The official list of requirements includes: 500 yards of swimming the sidestroke/breaststroke within 12 minutes 30 seconds, a 10-minute rest, 50 push-ups in 2 minutes then a 2-minute rest, 50 sit-ups in 2 minutes then a 2-minute rest, 10 pull-ups and finally a mile and a half run in 10 minutes. Those are the bare minimum requirements, but faster times and more repetitions are required to be truly competitive for the few openings for the training.

The training to get accepted is grueling.

The training for the Navy SEALS requires both physical and mental toughness. They are required to go beyond the point where most people would quit because of pain. Their life or the life of their fellow SEALs may depend on it. Their workouts use not only body weight, but also their rucksack, which is carried on their back while they do bodyweight exercises and run. That extra weight make pull-ups, push-ups and other calisthenics more difficult.

What is the 26-week training program to prepare for the test for the SEAL Program?

There is training to help the Seal hopefuls prepare for the Entrance Exam. It requires a variety of different types of training. Each week a moderate long distance run and swim are required, plus a continuous high intensity run and swim. Interval workouts are used in both swimming and running, as well. Every week, 4-5 calisthenic and core exercise routines are completed, 4-6 strength training sessions, a daily flexibility training session and injury prevention exercises. It’s a grueling schedule, just to train for the entrance exam.

Not everyone wants to be or can be a Navy SEAL.

You don’t have to want to serve as a SEAL to benefit from the type of training they do. It’s hard and made to build mental toughness, pushing beyond exhaustion and pain. Each person has his or her own level of fitness and mental block that prevents them from achieving their best. Modifying the SEAL’s fitness program to match your level of fitness and pushing harder to achieve more each time should be your goal if you want to workout like a Navy SEAL.

Every Navy SEAL’s training includes push-ups, pull-ups, distance swimming, distance running, sit-ups and hiking or running trails carrying a heavy weight in a backpack.

While the candidates for SEAL training workout several times a day, every day of the week, that’s not necessarily recommended for everyone. Taking a day off of intense workouts and doing active recovery, like walking, may be best for you.

Always consult your health care professional before beginning a program of exercise, particularly one as rigorous as the SEAL training. Always track your workouts to ensure you’re reaching your goals.

At VIP Fitness Center, we may not make you workout like a Navy Seal, but you’ll get a workout that’s designed for your needs and tough enough to get results. We also help you learn how to eat healthier, since good nutrition is mandatory for good results.

Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut

Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut

Most people don’t realize how much of your health is affected if you have an unhealthy gut. They often think that you just get a stomachache, diarrhea or vomit, but it can show itself in many ways that you may think have nothing to do with digestion and your stomach may feel fine. Lack of sleep, a poor diet and lack of exercise can affect your gut health. Just what is a healthy gut to begin with, then let’s look at some signs yours may be unhealthy.

Bugs are controlling your body and your life.

That’s a little dramatic and the way it’s written, not true. It’s microbes and your microbiome that can keep you healthy. If you have too many dangerous microbes that harm your health and not enough beneficial ones, you’ll get sick. There are between 300 to over 1,000 different species of microbes in the gut, which include fungi, bacteria and other microbes. You have more microbes in your body than you have cells. Beneficial microbes prevent dangerous ones from overtaking your system. They also release chemicals that affect your body and mind, plus digest food for us. If you don’t have the right microbes, you’ll become malnourished, no matter how much you eat.

There are many symptoms of an imbalance.

Autoimmune disease and mood disorders are just two of the symptoms of an unhealthy gut. Skin conditions, cancer, food intolerance, mental health issues and even obesity can come from too many bad microbes and too few good ones. Since the gut plays an important role in immunity and is part of the immune system, you’ll be more prone to illness when your gut isn’t healthy. It can even cause autoimmune disease.

A lot of things can cause an imbalance.

Taking antibiotics kills off all germs, even beneficial ones, so if you’ve taken a few rounds of antibiotics and end up with thrush, yeast infections or digestive issues, you lost that healthy balance. How do you turn things around? First, clean up your diet. Make sure it contains soluble fiber to feed the good bacteria. Avoid sugar that boosts the bad microbes and can damage good ones. Eat probiotic foods that help replace the bacteria lost to antibiotics. If your diet is high in sugar, switch to healthier whole foods.

  • Do you crave sugar? That’s a sign you have too much yeast or fungi. Are you gaseous after meals? It might be the gas released by microbes as they digest your food.
  • Other foods to help improve your microbiome and heal your gut include garlic and onions, which include natural chemicals to help. Foods high in fiber and collagen boosting food like mushrooms and bone broth are good.
  • Exercise improves your microbiome and increases the beneficial microbes. Getting adequate sleep can also help. Reducing stress can also help. Stress creates chemicals in the body and changes that aren’t beneficial for your body’s microbes.
  • Give your gut microbes a break, chew your food longer. Those busy little belly bugs do digest food, but you can help them out. Digestion also occurs in the mouth and by eating slower, you’ll reduce the strain on your gut.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Burpees - A Full-Body Exercise

Burpees – A Full-Body Exercise

At VIP 1 to1 Fitness in Fort Lee, New Jersey, we create personalized programs and follow your progress, helping you every step of the way. However, people often ask generalized questions, and one of the most common is “If you could only recommend one exercise that would provide the most benefit for the whole body, what would it be?” The answer is easy, I’d suggest burpees. The exercise was originally created by Dr. Royal H. Burpee, as a test for total body fitness of inactive individuals.

What is a burpee?

Dr. Burpee’s original burpee was easier than it is today. It consisted of five steps. Step 1. Squat down and put both hands on the floor in front of you. Step 2. Push your feet backward to plank position. Step 3. Bring your feet back to starting position. Step 4. Stand up again. Step 5. Repeat. Today burpees have changed a bit and become more difficult. It’s now seven steps and a lot tougher. Step 1. Squat. Step 2. Do a plank. Step 3. Do a push-up. Step 4. Jump your feet back. Step 5. Squat. Step 6. Jump. Step 7. Repeat.

Burpees use all large muscle groups.

One thing that makes burpees so effective is that it uses all major muscle groups. It’s extremely helpful if you’re trying to get into shape and if you speed up a succession of burpees, helpful in getting your fitter and keeping you fit. They’re not easy, but you can do them anywhere and since they work so many muscle groups, can be the basis for your workout when you’re short on time. You’ll work your core muscles, glutes, quads, shoulders, calves, chest and triceps. It also provides a good cardio workout.

If you’re out of shape, start slowly.

You can revert to the original burpee if you’re completely out of shape. It’s better to error on the side of safety. Once you’ve conquered those, add the other steps of the modern version. The military first used burpees to see if recruits were in shape. Later they modified it to the more difficult version during WWII as part of the training regimen. Most trainers use the more difficult military version.

  • Burpees also provide flexibility and balance training, besides building strength and endurance. The squatting and thrusting movements help improve flexibility and balance.
  • Burpees can help lower blood pressure. Large muscle groups are worked during burpees, which causes the body to create nitric oxide. That causes vessels to dilate and lowers blood pressure, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Burpees is a fat burning hero. They’re hard and will make you sweat. You may love them or hate them, but one thing is certain, burpees will help you lose weight. They’re demanding and use a lot of calories.
  • No matter what type of exercise program you start, always check with your health care professional first to see if you may have any conditions that it might affect. In most cases, they’ll wholeheartedly approve.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Strength Training Tips For Beginners

Strength Training Tips For Beginners

People often avoid strength training for a number of different reasons. Some people worry they’ll bulk up too much, while others are simply intimidated. You don’t have to worry about either of those. For women, it’s really difficult to bulk up due to hormones, but it also requires a lot of dedication for men to achieve that look. If you aren’t sure where to begin, here are some tips for beginners that should help you on your way.

Start with building strength and later decide what your ultimate goal really is.

Do you want to build strength and stay fit, but not build big muscles or is the “look” and bulk the most important reason for strength training? Building strength means lifting something heavy or using your muscles to work against a resistance, which is gravity when you lift something. For beginners, I recommend lifting lighter weights. Lighter weights with more repetitions burns fat, tones muscles, can aid in flexibility, builds muscle mass and is best for beginners. Lighter weights can cause less stress on joints and ligaments. If you want to build more bulk, you can switch to heavier weights later.

Always warm up to make sure your muscles are loose and flexible.

What is the importance of a warm up routine for strength training? It’s extremely important because it prepares the body by easing into exercise with easier movements and increases circulation. It prepares the muscles for later, more taxing exercises and boosts the range of motion. That can prevent injury. Your warm up should involve the corresponding muscles you’ll use in strength training.

Focus on form.

Form is one of the most important parts of training. If you’re doing bodyweight exercises to build strength and don’t have the right form for push-ups, you won’t get the results you want. Improper form can even cause injury, especially when you’re lifting heavier weights. If you have to do your workout slowly and include fewer reps at first, but achieve perfect form, then you’re on the right path. Having the proper form will help you achieve your goals faster.

  • Make sure you have a sleep schedule and stick with it when you’re doing strength training. Your muscles need time to heal, and they do it while you’re sleeping.
  • Do strength training two to three times a week. Make sure you have 48 to 72 hours between workouts of the same muscle groups. They need that much time to heal the micro tears from strength training that ultimately builds muscle strength.
  • As you workout, you’ll notice some strength training becomes easier. It means you’ve made progress and it’s time to up the ante. Add more repetitions, heavier weights or create a different workout that’s tougher.
  • While strength training will build muscle tissue, boost your metabolism and make it easier to lose weight, you still need to eat healthy. Eating healthy provides the nutrients to build muscle and helps you reach your weight goals.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Ways To Stay Motivated On Your Fitness Journey

Ways To Stay Motivated On Your Fitness Journey

One reason people love to come to V.I.P. 1To 1 Fitness Center in Fort Lee, NJ, is that we help them stay motivated, so they can reach their goals. Two of the biggest roadblocks to fitness are getting started and staying motivated. If you’re reading an article on staying motivated, you’ve probably accomplished step one. Staying motivated is tough, especially after the initial determination wears off and before there are results. It’s hardest to stay motivated after the first session right up until you see results, which can take a month or two.

Push yourself, but don’t overdo it.

One reason people quit after the first day or week is that they really hurt. That can come from pushing yourself too hard. More is not always better. For instance, you need to rest muscle groups between 48 and 72 hours after doing strength training. It’s counterproductive to do an intense workout for the same group every day. It doesn’t give the muscles time to heal from the micro tears caused by the workout. Pushing too hard can cause injury and pain later, depleting motivation. Focus more on form initially, rather than reps and sets.

Don’t constantly weigh yourself or take your measurements.

You need to be held accountable and that can be done once or twice a week. Take measurements and weigh in at the same time every week. I’ve talked to clients who weigh themselves several times a day. It’s just not productive. Your body weight fluctuates throughout the day and it can be quite deceiving and even depressing. It can destroy your motivation. It’s especially true if you’re just beginning, when physical changes can take a month or more.

Elevate your workout to appointment status.

For some reason, people feel that other things are more important than staying fit. They put off exercise until they have time that day, but as the day progresses, that window of time never occurs. Make your appointment with fitness important. Schedule it as you would any appointment, even if you’re working out at home. Once it’s on your calendar, don’t cancel it to put in something else.

  • Set goals. You should be able to measure them and have a time to complete them. Then, break those goals down to smaller goals you can achieve quicker. Track your progress weekly.
  • When you schedule your workouts, make sure you schedule them at the same time every time. Doing your workout at a consistent time helps it becomes a habit and habits are harder to break.
  • Track your workout, not just your results. Have a list of exercises, including number of repetitions and sets. Having the list in front of you can help speed the workout and avoid wasted time. When your workout is more efficient, you’ll be more motivated.
  • Take care of your body in other ways, too. Make sure you eat healthy, stay hydrated and get adequate sleep. If you don’t eat healthy, you won’t see the progress you want. Sleep and hydration can boost your energy and help keep you motivated.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Can You Work Out "Too" Much?

Can You Work Out “Too” Much?

If you’re spending hours at the gym every day pushing it hard at peak intensity, but you aren’t getting the results you want, maybe you work out too much. Yes, you can get too much of a good thing, especially if your workout is intense. Getting fit is finding the right blend of intense exercise and rest. Consider how hard people worked in early industrialized America, yet they died early. Part of the reason was diet and lack of medical care, but part of it was not giving the body a chance to recover and heal.

While your great-great grandparents or great-great-great grandparents may not have had a choice, you do.

People who want results often decide that more is better and sometimes it is, but that’s not always true when it comes to exercise. When you’re building muscles, the exercise causes micro tears in the muscle, which requires time to heal. As it heals, it causes scar tissue and becomes bigger and stronger. If you don’t give it time to heal and build, at least 48 to 72 hours between tough workouts, you continually tear the muscle tissue and that can slow your progress. It taxes the body, rather than helps you get fitter.

It’s all about the design of your program.

Can you do strength training every day? Yes, but your program needs to be designed well to ensure you give all muscles a rest. You can work on different areas of the body, allowing every muscle group to have the 48 to 72 hours of rest to heal. Alternating your workout by focusing on various types of exercise, such as cardio, strength, balance and flexibility, during the week is another way to help prevent muscle stress.

Listen to your body.

If your performance is suffering, you find you have mood swings, depression, confusion and irritability or are subject to frequent illnesses, you may be working your body too hard. If you’re pushing hard seven days a week or going to the gym twice a day for an extended session, you may be tearing down your body, not building it up. Get sleep, rest your body and if you want to keep active, do active recovery, like walking, between sessions.

  • Our trainers will create a tough program for you, but also one that lets your body recover and builds your strength and endurance. They watch your progress carefully to make sure you stay on track.
  • The longer you overwork your body, the longer recovery takes and the longer you’ll feel exhausted instead of revitalized. Watch for signs and focus on less intense workouts to help get you back on track.
  • One sign of overworking the body is a high resting heart rate. If your resting heart rate is normally in the 40 to 50 bpm range and suddenly jumps to 70-80 or higher consistently, talk to your trainer.
  • Over-exercising can actually cause weight gain, rather than weight loss. It can cause the body to produce less thyroid hormones and increase cortisol, which can increase insulin levels, cause belly fat and other hormonal imbalances.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Are Natural Sweeteners Actually Healthy?

Are Natural Sweeteners Actually Healthy?

Whether you use the training facility at Fort Lee, New Jersey or at one of the surrounding areas, you probably know by now that having a great body is as much about eating healthy as it is about exercise. What you eat, especially snacks and carbs, play an intricate role in your overall health. In fact, it also includes how you sweeten your food. Even though artificial sweeteners may contain few or even no calories, many can be detrimental to your health. Natural sweeteners also can play a role in whether you’re healthy, too. While not all natural sweeteners are healthy, not all of them are unhealthy either.

What are the dangers of a diet of simple carbohydrates, like natural sugars?

In order to understand the effects of sweeteners and diet, the easiest way is to go back millions of years before man. The microsyops latidens, which is a squirrel sized primate that lived in the US 54 million years ago, had dental carries. This primate lived on natural sugars and a diet high in carbohydrates. That proves that no matter how natural the sugar in your diet is, your teeth still pay a price. Today, sugar is in all types of food and can have a negative effect on more than just your teeth. It’s been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and other serious conditions.

Stevia may be one of the better natural sweeteners and may even have health benefits.

Stevia rebaudiana has leaves that taste sweet and was used for its sweet nature in South America, but also as a medicine. It’s hundreds of times sweeter than table sugar yet has no calories. While some people hate the taste of stevia, others love it. Stevia may be beneficial for people with diabetes, as it can help level out blood sugar. It also can aid people with high blood pressure if it’s considerably elevated. It has drawbacks. It interferes with the microbiome in the gut, by inhibiting the growth of bacteria including the beneficial bacteria.

Sugar alcohols like xylitol have some benefits.

One of the best known benefits of xylitol is for dental health. It’s been proven to help reduce cavities and remineralize teeth. Some people use it by adding a small amount of water and slushing it around the mouth, then spitting it in the sink. Why spit it out? It can cause abdominal distress and explosive diarrhea, like other sugar alcohols when consumed in larger amounts. When used in moderation, xylitol may help improve bone density.

  • Monk fruit extract comes from a fruit from Southeast Asia. It has no calories or carbs. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help control blood sugar. Be aware that some monk fruit extracts are mixed with other types of sugar.
  • Yacon syrup may be beneficial for the good bacteria in your intestines, since it’s high in fructooligosaccharides. It may help with weight loss and prevent constipation.
  • Using actual fruit can add a sweet treat. Using the whole fruit, such as unsweetened applesauce, figs, dates or bananas can add sweetness, but also provide the benefits of fiber and nutrients.
  • Getting the healthiest sugar alternative can be simplified by avoiding added sugar, whether it’s artificial or natural. Alternatives, like maple syrup or honey may be natural, but they still can cause many of the problems of table sugar or high fructose corn syrup.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

5 Ways Pharmaceutical Medicine is Damaging your Health

In a medically-advanced society, pharmaceutical drugs are common choices for the treatment of different health problems. After all, they are prescribed and recommended by medical professionals, which is why many people believe they can actually prove to be effective. However, while they may actually cure you from a specific illness, it is inevitable that they can also be damaging to your health. Worse, some are even reported to be a precursor of other serious health problems, which can be harder to treat.

Annually, there are millions of visits in hospitals reported to be because of an adverse reaction from pharmaceutical medicine. This is quite alarming, and has given some people sufficient reason to stop its use and instead resort into alternative natural medicine, which is asserted to be safe while also being able to be effective. In the rest of this article, you will know how pharmaceutical medicines are actually doing your health harm and not just the good often marketed by those manufacturing them.

  1. They contain toxic chemicals. This is perhaps one of the most significant reasons to avoid pharmaceutical drugs. While this is not a general statement, more often than not, you are ignorant about what ingredients are used in a specific drug, which renders it impossible to determine if they have a certain level of toxicity or none. Of course, the manufacturers of the medicine will try as much to promote only how they are beneficial for your health and will try to conceal the hidden truth, including the toxicity of the ingredients they are using. These toxic chemicals, at worst, can lead into death. In more common cases, they lead into allergic reactions, such as other illnesses. While they are made for the purpose of treating a specific disease, there is always no assurance that they will not lead into another disease totally different from what it promises to cure.
  1. They can promote addiction. The pharmaceutical drugs given by doctors are meant to be taken only for a short period of time, specifically what has been specified. The problem, however, is that some people are developing a tendency to be dependent on it, and hence, develop an addition towards the drug. They find it hard to live without taking it, even if its prolonged intake can be dangerous to one’s health. This is most common in the case of medicines used for the treatment of pain, insomnia, and depression, among others. There are instances wherein it can be as addictive as an illegal drug.
  1. They are often misuse. The misuse of pharmaceutical drugs is a serious problem and anyone who misused such may end up in the emergency room. Once a prescription has been written, the doctor has no control on who uses it. Sometimes, it can be given by the patient to other people who are suffering the same condition as theirs, even in the absence of proper diagnosis. A group of friends might even share the same medicine even if it is not prescribed specifically for one of them. With its misuse, its danger to your health will be more serious.
  1. They pose a serious danger of overdose. When you have a supply of pharmaceutical drugs in your house, you often forget about when and how to take them. There are instances wherein you might be taking them more than what you have been instructed by your doctor, and hence, making overdose a possibility. While some people may have higher tolerance for over dosage, this is affected by one’s age, the nature of the drug, and the person’s general health condition, among others. There are cases wherein it can lead into death, damaging other organs, or even minor health problems others chose to ignore.
  1. They are rarely tested. The FDA, the agency that regulates the medicines in the market, will test a specific drug on the basis of what it is meant to be used for. However, while when a certain drug has been approved, the agency does not test the dangers that can be posed by taking two different drugs at a time. Sadly, most patients do not just take a single medicine for the treatment of their condition. Some even combine prescription drugs with over-the-counter drugs without knowing how their interaction could be a danger in ways more than one.


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5 Synthetic Toxins You Need to Avoid

As a consequence of today’s modern time, more and more people are resorting into an unhealthy lifestyle. There are some who forget the importance of exercise for the health and fail to eat the right foods as well. As a result, the body is not supplied with the nutrients needed for a healthy functioning. If you want to make a big change in your life, you can consider rethinking of the way you eat, specifically by taking a look at the ingredients used in the food you consume. Processed foods, for instance, among others are plagued with health risks you can only avoid if you stop eating them. More than your food, however, there are also synthetic toxins found in the products you use in the house, such as in the case of cleaning agents and in paints.

In the rest of this article, you will know some of the most common synthetic toxins you should avoid. By getting rid of them in your life, you are being a step closer in achieving a healthier body free from chemicals and toxins.

  1. Pesticides: For sure, eating fruits and vegetables can be good for your health. However, it will only be good if it is grown organically or in the absence of using pesticides, which can be a significant source of synthetic toxins. The residues that are left behind from the use of pesticides can cause cancer and birth defects. Even if your wash them before eating, these residues can possibly remain. More so, the synthetic toxins in pesticides can also pose serous risks when they are used to kill bugs, fleas, and other insects inside the house. In order to get rid of the, regular cleaning of the house and the use of natural products will prove to be excellent alternatives.
  1. Triclosan: This toxin is commonly found in some toothpastes and soaps. According to several studies in the past, it is risky because it has been linked to the disruption of the functioning of the thyroid, as well as affecting hormone levels. They are often used in products labeled as antibacterial. In reality, however, this is also the leading cause of the promotion of the growth of bacteria, and hence, being more dangerous for your health. With this, you might want to just use old-fashioned warm water and soap, specifically one without this synthetic toxin.
  1. Sodium Nitrates and Nitrites: These are commonly used as an additive for processed meats and fishes, which is basically because it helps to make the shelf life longer and also for the inhibition of bacterial growth. This is also the one responsible for the attractive color of the fish or meat. However, according to the American Medical Association, this toxin can lead to brain and gastrointestinal cancer. It is also said to be a leading cause of a health problem known as methemoglobinemia, which refers to the failure of the red blood cells through transport the oxygen that the body needs. For infants and young children, it is also believed to be a precursor of Type 1 Diabetes.
  1. Bisphenol-A: Also called as BPA, this is commonly found in packaging of foods and drinks. They are commonly found in the lining of the packaging of canned foods and bottled drinks, as well as in medical devices. According to several studies, the exposure to such can be harmful because it can lead into being at higher risk of having prostate and breast cancer. It is also believed to be a major influence on diabetes, obesity, and behavioral and reproductive health problems.
  1. Recombitant Bovine Growth Hormone: This refers to a synthetic hormone that is often used by farmers and injected on their cows in order to increase their milk production. This is known to be dangerous for cows because they develop udder infection known as mastitis More so, milk from animals given such hormone is said to high in Insulin Growth Factor-1, which has been previously linked to certain cases of prostate, colon and breast cancer. Because of this, it is important to be more concerned about where you are sourcing your milk and dairy products. Make sure that they are organic and not from cows given such hormone.

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5 Reasons to Use Natural, Homemade Cosmetics

To be more beautiful – this is perhaps the dream of many people today. Beauty, although subjective by nature, is undeniably largely based on how one physically looks like, or at least, that is the norm in our society. Because of this, anyone who does not feel to be within the current standards of beauty loses self-confidence. Fortunately, the modern technology has led into the introduction of revolutionary beauty products. These products are promising in terms of giving you softer hair with fuller volume, glowing skin that defies the signs of aging, and having healthier nails, among others.

However, with the introduction of different cosmetic products in the market, many have also been alarmed, specifically with regards to deteriorating quality and the use of ingredients that may be unsafe for one’s health. With this, there is a growing advocacy towards the use of natural and homemade cosmetics. If you have not yet considered the use of the latter, continue reading the rest of this article and you will have sufficient reasons to switch to these natural beauty products.

  1. They do not use toxic ingredients. Most of the cosmetics you can buy commercially are made with the use of different chemicals, many of them can prove to be toxic. Although they can prove to be effective, their chemicals can lead into an adverse reaction, which can make the products bad for your skin. Some of the most common chemicals used in cosmetics are parabens and phthalates. They also contain a variety of petrochemicals. Although many studies have proven the toxicity of their ingredients, they are still continuously used. The worst part is that most manufacturers try to lure their customers by hiding the true ingredients they are using. The ignorance of the customers can even be more problematic, as some people just use beauty products without being aware of whether or not they contain toxic chemicals.
  1. They are good for all skin types. In line with the toxicity of the ingredients used in some cosmetics, they can undeniably cause side effects on the skin, such as redness, swelling, and other allergic reactions. In fact, some products advertised to be ideal for the treatment of acne can even cause more breakout, especially if it is not well-received by your skin. In the case of natural cosmetics, this should never be a problem because they use gentle ingredients that are perfect for all skin types. Regardless of your age, you can use natural products without having to be worried about side effects. Even if you have oily skin, using natural cosmetics will work and will not worsen your problem, unlike in the case of highly commercialized products.
  1. They are cheap. Some natural cosmetics can be cheaper than those made with the use of synthetic ingredients. The reason on why they are affordable is the fact that they use materials readily available, even from the garden. The best thing is that you can make them on your own. With effort and time to research, you will know how you can use some items available in your house or garden for different cosmetic products. If you love them, you can even start a business by selling them and advocating the use of chemical-free cosmetics.
  1. They are eco-friendly. With every product you use, it is important to think about their impact to the environment. Therefore, you have another good reason to use natural products. Aside from the fact that they are not tested on animals, they are also made without using ingredients that can cause damage to the environment, especially when they are not disposed properly. Most of the cosmetics sold in the market make use of aluminum, which is one of the culprits for the destruction of South American forest, which is why you should avoid them as much as possible.
  1. They are rich in nutrients. Aside from the fact that they are good even for sensitive skin, natural cosmetics are also recommended because they are rich with a wide array of nutrients, which will be needed by the body. They often make use of nutritious oils, which are asserted to be effective in terms of nourishing the skin and preventing the appearance of the visible signs of aging.


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