
Change Your Life Today With Exercise

Change Your Life Today With Exercise

When you exercise, you build your body’s strength, endurance, and flexibility. You burn extra calories and trigger the release of endorphins throughout your body that make you feel good. You’ll improve your posture and your appearance. You might say that exercise can change your life. It improves your self-image. That can affect every area of […]

Get The Body You Want

Get The Body You Want

In Fort Lee, NJ, you can get the body you want. We can help you do it. Of course, it has to be achievable. If you are 5’5″ and want to be 6’2″, we can’t help, but if you want to look and feel your best and be the best version of yourself, get ready […]

Heart Racing, Low-Impact Workouts

Heart Racing, Low-Impact Workouts

Most people don’t know the difference between high and low-impact workouts. Running is a high-impact workout while walking is a low-impact one. When you run, once in every stride, both feet are off the ground. When the foot lands, it takes the impact of the body weight hitting the ground. When walking, you always have […]

Does Fasting Ruin My Metabolism?

Does Fasting Ruin My Metabolism?

Fasting is a general term for many ways of consuming or not consuming food. There are water fasts that can last for days and intermittent fasting that may last a few hours. Some of these may affect your metabolism negatively, while others may have a positive effect. What is the difference in how the body […]

Indoor And Outdoor Cycling Tips

Indoor And Outdoor Cycling Tips

It’s an inspiring experience watching the leaves change while cycling outdoors in Fort Lee, NJ, in the fall. You’ll experience the refreshing breeze and the palette of colors whether you take the shorter Edgar Felix Memorial Bikeway or push yourself to the limit on the Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Trail. Biking outdoors is […]

The Benefits Of Strength Training For Women

The Benefits Of Strength Training For Women

At VIP Fitness, we use strength training to benefit both men and women. While some women worry they’ll build bulging Hulk-like muscles. Nothing could be further from the truth. Female hormones prevent bulking up. Women bodybuilders have a grueling workout and strict diet to build their muscles. Some even take it a step further using […]

The Dangers Of Using Steroids

The Dangers Of Using Steroids

There are two types of steroids, anabolic-androgenic—AAS and corticosteroids. Both are beneficial for treating some medical conditions. Corticosteroids fight inflammation. Anabolic-androgenic steroids help people with diseases that cause tissue wasting, such as cancer and AIDS. Anabolic androgenic are also considered performance-enhancing drugs. These drugs are synthetic testosterone. Their use comes with dangers that far outweigh […]

The Benefits Of Strength Training For Women

At VIP Fitness, we use strength training to benefit both men and women. While some women worry they’ll build bulging Hulk-like muscles. Nothing could be further from the truth. Female hormones prevent bulking up. Women bodybuilders have a grueling workout and strict diet to build their muscles. Some even take it a step further using […]