
Tips For Beginner Runners

Tips For Beginner Runners

Before beginner runners put on their shoes for their first run, they should learn a few tips to make their journey better. When running is one of the exercises chosen to boost fitness, it has some pitfalls. People who start a program of running often begin excited and ready to tackle this activity. They often […]

Importance Of Proper Form In Your Workouts

Importance Of Proper Form In Your Workouts

Using the proper form for each exercise can make the difference between successful workouts and unsuccessful ones. The way you move during an exercise affects the way the body works a muscle. If you’re not going deep enough on squats, you won’t get the benefits. If you’re lifting something heavy, it makes a difference how […]

How To Overcome Plateaus In Your Fitness Journey

How To Overcome Plateaus In Your Fitness Journey

People in Fort Lee, NJ, often face plateauing when they’re getting fit. They may face stalled weight loss or the inability to progress further in strength, flexibility, endurance, or balance. If you face those same struggles, don’t worry. You can overcome plateaus in fitness by making a few changes. Identifying the type of plateauing you […]

How To Perform A Perfect Squat

How To Perform A Perfect Squat

Squats are part of a group of several exercises that everyone should do. They’re functional fitness exercises that help prevent injuries from falls and strains by improving balance. When you can do a perfect squat, you’ll improve the potential of independent living. It’s a very basic move that most people can do as a baby […]

Is Cardio The Best For Weight Loss?

Is Cardio The Best For Weight Loss?

For some Fort Lee residents, running plays a vital role in their lives. There’s nothing wrong with running. It’s a great cardio workout. If they do it simply for weight loss, other ways to achieve that goal can be more efficient. Only doing cardiovascular workouts isn’t a healthy option. Your body needs workouts to build […]

How To Properly Detox

How To Properly Detox

There are many ways to eliminate toxins from the body. There are toxins in shampoos, cleaning products, and even your food. There are healthy ways to eliminate those toxins from the body. Exercising until you sweat is one way to detox. Many people in Fort Lee, NJ, opt for that and a healthy diet. Sweating […]

Fun Fitness Activities To Do With The Kids

Fun Fitness Activities To Do With The Kids

Every parent wants what’s best for their kids. They want them to have all the advantages they didn’t have growing up. Unfortunately, many fun activities for children today revolve around a sedentary lifestyle. While it might be fun, it doesn’t encourage fitness. Studies show that children perform better in school when they’re fit. It can […]