5 Reasons to Start Using Natural Cleaning Products
Cleaning the house can prove to be a very tiring task. This is especially true if the dirt has accumulated and hardened through time. Fortunately, there are many cleaning products you can use to make things easier. Vacuum cleaners, for instance, can make it almost effortless for you to remove dust in carpets and upholstery. There are also commercially-available cleaning products to give you a helping hand. However, the problem with the latter is that they are often filled with toxic ingredients, which may not only be harmful for you, but to the environment as well.
Rather than using chemically-laden cleaning agents, a viable alternative would be to resort into the use of natural products. If you go online and search for such, you will find an abundance of choices. With a little time and effort to spare, they will be beneficial in ways more than one. In the rest of this article, you will learn more about their benefits, which might just convince you to have a change in perspective when it comes to keeping the house clean.
- Natural cleaning products are cheap. In a time that is defined by a troubled economy, the cost of almost anything is not going anywhere but up. With this, it may help if you can think of ideas by which you can save a few bucks, which will translate into significant savings in the long run. The use of natural cleaning products will surely be one way of doing so. Lemon, vinegar, and baking soda, among others, are the most common ingredients used in cleaning products you can make at the comfort of your own home. They are readily available in the kitchen, which means that you do not have to make additional expenses in order to get your hand on them.
- Natural cleaning products keep the air clean. If you want your home to be a healthier place, you need to make sure of air quality. In fact, this is the reason why you are cleaning in the first place – to prevent dust, dirt and allergens from being mixed with the air you breathe. However, with the use of commercial cleaning products, you may be doing more harm than good. For instance, many of the room sprays you can buy in the market contain quaternary ammonium compounds, which damage air quality and can contribute to asthma. With natural products, this will never be the case as the ingredients will not be damaging to air quality, with some of them even helping to have it purified and filtered.
- Natural cleaning products keep the water clean. The soaps and detergents you are using for cleaning can be harmful for water. When they are disposed, such as from the sink, you are possibly sending them to water systems, such as river or lakes. Because they are filled with chemicals, they can endanger fishes and as well as plants living there. With natural cleaning supply, on the other hand, the ingredients used are all organic, and hence, you do not have to be worried about the possible risk of contaminating water supply.
- Natural cleaning products promote a healthier home. Having a clean home will not be beneficial if it is not a healthy place. What does this mean? Simply put, if your home is clean but such has been achieved with the use of chemicals, you are basically up to no good. Natural cleaning products are good because they do not cause adverse allergic reactions, such as when they get in contact with your skin. In the same way, they are also very gentle, which makes them the perfect choice if you have kids at home who may be very sensitive.
- Natural cleaning products will make you more productive. If you decide to use natural products in cleaning, you are basically making a wiser use of your time. The mere fact that you have to source the ingredients on your own and make it with your effort will be an indication of being productive. This is as against commercial cleaning agents that are readily available. If you do not know what to do during your free time, you might just consider making natural cleaning products. You can use them afterwards, give them to your friends, or even start your own small business out of it.
5 Reasons to Choose Natural, Safe Home Remedies
Are you suffering from a headache, cold, flu, fever, cough, body pain, arthritis, acne, and other health problems? Well, do not fret as you are no alone with such a predicament. There are many people who might be having the same fate as you, making them unproductive as well to function at work or with the things they do in their everyday life. In such instances, what is it that you first think about? I am pretty sure many would say having a visit to the doctor or using over-the-counter drugs and other commercially available remedies to treat your condition. While these things may indeed prove to be effective, the problem is that they can have significant side effects and may indeed worsen your situation rather than having it resolved.
This brings us to the importance of natural home remedies. If you go online and research about homemade treatments for arthritis, for instance, you will be surprised with the alternatives presented. Some of them may seem to be out-of-this-world ideas. Unless you give them a try, you will never know if they are going to work or not. In the next parts of this article, you will know about some of the most viable reasons on why you should opt for natural home-made remedies instead of using pharmaceutical and commercial products.
- You are basically being in charge with what to take. If you have high level of cholesterol, there are drugs you might be prescribed by your doctor in order to lower the level of bad cholesterol in the body and increase the good cholesterol. However, you do not know what are the ingredients used in these products, unless you perform an in-depth research about it. With natural remedies, on the other hand, such as modifying your diet for improving cholesterol, you are basically in charge. You can choose what you will take and you can let go what you think is bad for your health. You are being empowered to decide how your own condition can possibly be treated.
- There will be no tendency to develop addiction or dependence. For people who are finding it hard to sleep at night, there are medications available. Nonetheless, these drugs are notoriously known for being addictive and you might be dependent on them. Once you decide to quit, you will suffer from various withdrawal symptoms and your problem may just worsen. Addiction with sleep-inducing drugs can have significant negative effects on your health, such as in the case of liver damage. However, when you decide to choose natural cure, such as drinking chamomile tea, you will never be addicted with it, while at the same time, being able to enjoy its effectiveness.
- Natural and homemade remedies are cheap. This is perhaps one of the most attractive things about considering alternative medicine. For instance, if you have body pain, you do not need to take expensive pain relievers. A simple cold or hot compress may help to alleviate the pain. You will not even have to spend anything in order to enjoy its effectiveness. In a time wherein medicines are being more expensive, you definitely have a good reason to go for natural.
- These treatment options are eco-friendly. Many of the medicines you can find in the marketplace have been tested on animals and contain ingredients that may be toxic not only for you, but for the environment as well. With natural treatments, on the other hand, you can use ingredients that are sustainable for the environment. This is going to demonstrate your concern towards preserving the environment while enjoying an effective cure. They are also naturally sourced from materials that you can easily replace by simply planting them, such as in your garden.
- They are milder. A wrong dosage of a prescription drug can be harmful for your body and can lead into side effects. With natural treatments, side effects are very rare. They treat your condition in a milder manner. Because of using fresh and unspoiled materials, they are gentler in the treatment of whatever health condition you are suffering from. No strong components or toxic chemicals are used, giving you the confidence on your safety.
5 Reasons Painkillers are Toxic
Whether it is headache, sore muscles, back pain, or a simple cold, you are most probably going to resort into the use of pain killers. They often come handy and readily available, apart from the fact that they have lured the public with the promise of being the best in terms of the alleviation of the pain that a person is feeling. Aside from the fact that they are often prescribed by doctors, ease of access to painkillers has also been an issue raised by those advocating for a healthier society. Nonetheless, they continue to be popular and often on the top of the mind of people when confronted with the question of how to get away from pain.
Nonetheless, as you read this article, you will see how pain killers are not actually the solution to your problem. They do not work like magic and will often lead you into suffering from toxicity. This should give you sufficient reason with to think about what you take and be more meticulous when thinking of viable alternatives for pain management.
- The use of painkillers can be very addicting. This is one of the most common problems reported and associated with painkillers. More often than not, people take them for a prolonged period as if it is multivitamins for their body. Pain medications use ingredients that can be potentially addicting, and hence, being dependent on such in the long run. This should be a cause for toxicity, especially in consideration of the fact that medications taken longer than the specified duration will cause adverse reaction to the body, especially when taken with other drugs or when they react negatively with your current state of health. Once addiction has been developed, withdrawal will be hard and the withdrawal symptoms will generally be unpleasant. With such, many people ended up being trapped, having no choice but to just pursue with their pain medications. In the long run, this can damage different organs of the body and can lead into the deterioration of your health.
- They contain acetaminophen. Tylenol is one of the most popular brands of painkillers. In spite of the fact that its effectiveness has been asserted by many, it is also important to know that it contains acetaminophen, which is also a common ingredient that is found in other drugs meant to reduce pain. Even when they are taken following the instructions from your doctor, such as the dosage that has been recommended, acetaminophen will still pose a serious danger to your health, more than the benefit it provides. There were several cases in the past wherein there are accidental overdoses and they led into problems you will never wish to carry on your back.
- They are more fatal than heroin and cocaine. People avoid the use of heroin and cocaine because of the bad effects of such on their health, which are often fatalities. However, some people did not know that prescribed and over-the-counter painkillers can in fact be more fatal than heroin and cocaine, even when the two are combined. This is basically because most of the painkillers are misused and abused, leading into a level of toxicity which becomes too hard for the body to handle, and hence, fuelling a wide array of serious health problems.
- They can cause cancer. People who are being treated for cancer may resort into the use of pain medications in order to reduce the discomfort they are feeling as a result of various procedures or simply because how their cancer cells are affecting the body. However, in reality, rather than being instrumental in the alleviation of pain, these medications can indeed be the cause of cancer. Several studies in the past have noted how the long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can lead into kidney and blood cancer.
- They can lead to Renal Tubular Acidosis. This is another negative side effect often associated because of the toxic ingredients found in painkillers, especially in the case of Ibuprofen. Renal Tubular Acidosis, or RTA, leads into the decrease in the level of potassium in the blood, and hence, making the heart beat abnormally and causing a breakdown of muscles. It is also linked to paralysis and fatigue.
5 Reasons Home Remedies have Lasted the Test of Time
If you go online and perform a quick search about home remedies for a specific health problem, you will definitely be confronted with tons of search results. As you go on reading, you will realize how they are solutions that have been used since time immemorial. In fact, even historians and experts in the field of alternative medicine find it hard to trace the origins of some of the home remedies known to mankind today. They have their roots in Chinese, Indian, Western, and Ayurveda medicine, among others. For sure, they have been used even by your great grandmothers. By now, you are most probably wondering on what makes them able to withstand the test of time. In spite of the introduction of new innovations in the field of medicine, home remedies have remained to be popular. Here’s why.
- They are effective. This is on the top of the list on why home remedies remain to be a preferred choice amongst many people when it comes to healing different health conditions. After all, it will not be able to survive thousands of years if they are not proven to be effective. One can easily have them erased from practice if they are not doing any good. In this age of social media, it is very easy to fill the internet with negative reviews about home remedies and say that they do not work and that they are nothing but a waste of time. However, such is not happening. Instead, the internet is filled with articles recommending home remedies as alternatives for traditional medications and treatments. Indeed, these are only evidences of their effectiveness.
- They are cheap. If you offer one product or service that is cheap, the tendency is that people will flock and will be curious to give it a try. However, if the product does not satisfy them after their first try, they will never have it purchased again, regardless of how cheap it is. The same thing is true in the case of natural home remedies. While they are cheap, they will not be popular and be able to withstand the test of time if they lack effectiveness. However, as proven by those who patronize such, they are not only economical in terms of cost, but also very effective. This makes it easy to understand why they remain to be practiced in spite of their old age in the field of alternative medicine.
- They are readily available. Way back during the ancient times, people do not have access to hospitals or to pharmacies wherein they can get their medicines. They also do not often have professional consultations with doctors. Because of this, they resort into the use of treatment options that are naturally available from their environment. They make use of herbs and spices, plants and flowers, among others. This is because they can be gathered even from just outside their houses. This is another reason why home remedies are popular. Just go to the kitchen and you will find garlic, which has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.
- They can be administered without professional supervision. Steam inhalation, which is a common remedy for cold, can be done at home with just the use of hot water and essential oils. With home remedies, you do not need professional supervision or instruction as they can be completed on your own. This spares you from the need to have checkup from a doctor and be given professional prescription, which is not only a time-saver, but also minimizes costs. The best thing is that they are safe and you do not have to worry about side effects, even if they are administered through your own efforts.
- They can be easily modified. Home remedies are also able to withstand the test of time because they can be easily changed depending on the ingredients that are available or your personal preferences. In a world that is defined by changing times, you do not necessarily have to stick with what have been traditionally used. Instead, you can use new ingredients or those that are available at home while being able to enjoy the same level of effectiveness. Just do not forget to research about it and make sure there are evidences to prove that they will actually work.
5 Native American Remedies that are Super Effective
For thousands of years now, Native American remedies are being practiced all over the globe because of their effectiveness in being able to treat a variety of health conditions. During the early times, like in the most parts of the globe, Native Americans do not have access to medical professionals and hospitals, which is why they often rely on resources that are readily available whenever they are sick. Because of its old age, some of these practices have already bene forgotten, which is also a result of the introduction of new advancements in the medical field. Nonetheless, it cannot be denied how there are still many Native American remedies practiced today, such as those mentioned in the rest of this article.
- Wild Ginger: When European settlers arrived in North America, one of their biggest problems dealt with the absence of the medicinal products that are available at the comfort of their own place. It is during this time when they were able to consider the magic of wild ginger. Based on the traditions of the locals, which is still practiced up to this day, wild ginger is decocted and infused in order to make a tea, which is regarded to be an effective remedy for menstrual cramps and irregular heartbeat. In addition, it is also believed that the kidney-shaped leaves of the plant make it an effective herbal remedy for various kidney problems. It is also considered to be a stimulant for the appetite. Consequently, according to several studies in the past, wild ginger makes an excellent alternative medicine because of having diuretic, carminative, and tonic effects to the body.
- Sage: This is considered to be sacred by many Native Americans basically because it is believed to have purifying energies, which is also the reason behind its popularity in the world of home remedies and alternative medicine. Aside from being able to bring back balance to the body, it also takes out any impurities from both the mind and the body, which will bring an individual to a better state of health and renewed strength. Aside from the belief of its ability to protect one from bad spirit, it also has a long history of use in the treatment of problems with the kidney, skin, stomach, lungs, and colon, among others. It also functions as an appetite stimulant and digestive aid, which makes it a common choice for people who would like to manage their weight naturally.
- Juniper: Closely resembling cypress, there is no wonder why it has been used by many Native Americans for detoxifying. It is believed to be effective in the elimination of excess water and also has diuretic properties, which is why it is used for urinary problems. The Blackfoot tribe of North America have also used a decoction of juniper berries for the purpose of treating venereal and lung diseases. The Inupiat tribe, on the other hand, have used it as an infusion for the treatment of cold and flu. The oils extracted from juniper berries can also be used for steam inhalation and can effectively treat muscle pain and arthritis.
- Dandelions: North America is one of the regions all over the world offering an abundance of dandelion species, which is why it is another traditional choice for home remedies. Most people do not know that it is an excellent source of Vitamins A, B, C, D, potassium, zinc, and iron, among others. Many North Americans used to boil it in water and drink it for the purpose of being able to relieve skin problems and to treat an upset stomach. It is also believed to help in the restoration of your body after the winter months or after suffering from an illness.
- Lavender: This is another staple in Native American remedies and has gained popularity because it is thought to be effective in bringing peace and balance to the body. This is also the reason why it is a common variant of teas available today, with the promise of being able to help people who are suffering from anxiety. The light and woody scent of lavender is most probably the one responsible for such. Lavender has also been traditionally used to treat depression and nervous system disorders because of its calming effect.
5 Harmful Side Effects of Commercial Medication
Have you ever wondered why the bigwigs in the pharmaceutical industry are making a lot of money? Well, this is most probably because they manage to sell their products at high prices and people patronize them. Why are they still being bought by the public? It is basically because a lot of people are deceived not only by their marketing tactics, but also with what they are fed with professionals in the medical field, such as with what they are given in their prescriptions.
Without any disrespect to doctors, while many medicines can indeed prove to be effective, the problem is that they are expensive. More so, the bigger problem is that even if they treat you for a specific condition, it is inevitable that side effects will emanate in one way or another. With such being said, the rest of this article will tackle briefly some of the most common and harmful side effects of commercial medications.
- Death. Although not the most common, this is obviously the most serious harmful side effect of commercial medications. Medicines are supposedly given in order to treat a specific health condition. Unfortunately, there are some of them that can do you more harm than good, such as in the case of death. This often happens in the case of overdose, which can likely occur because some people fail to consider instructions from their doctors or they simply develop dependence towards a specific drug. Crestor, for instance, which is a drug meant to lower the bad cholesterol in the body, is said to have resulted into different cases of kidney failure; eleven of which resulted into death, based on a study of Public Citizens Health Research Group.y
- Cancer. This is one of the most life-threatening diseases all over the world today. People often take medications because of the belief it will provide them with a healthier body, and hence, being able to prevent the growth of cancer cells. Sadly, some medicines are also the culprit of cancer. Propecia, for instance, a commercial treatment for hair loss, has a warning on its label indicating how it can possibly lead to high risk prostate cancer. Actos, on the other hand, a drug that is used for diabetes, can also lead to bladder cancer. This has been proven by the move of the FDA in 2011 adding such indication to the label in order to warn its users.
- Stroke. AngroGel, is a prescribed drug that is used as a hormone replacement. However, based on tests that have been conducted by the National Institutes of Health, it has been linked to various cardiovascular diseases and stroke. In fact, many of its users who have suffered from stroke have already filed lawsuits against the drug manufacturer for what happened to them. More so, Yaz and Yasmin, which are popular birth control pills, have been also linked to stroke by some of its users who were not happy with how their health condition has been negatively affected.
- Hallucination. In most common instances, this is a bad thing for your health. People who suffer from hallucination as a side effect are those who take medications for anxiety and depression, among other conditions. Visual and auditory hallucinations have been reported by people who used Lariam, which is a generic name given to a drug that is supposed to treat malaria outbreak. Because of this, the FDA has imposed rules in the early 2000s to first screen anyone who will be given such drug in order to minimize such side effect.
- Heart Attacks. Medicines that supplement the body with testosterone are amongst the most common to have heart attacks as side effects. There were also many people who have taken Pradaxa, a drug for thinning the blood, have filed lawsuits against the manufacturer because of suffering from heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases. Avandia, a drug for Type 2 diabetes, is said to have resulted into 83,000 cases of heart attacks from 1999 to 2007, which prompted the FDA to significantly restrict its use and prescription.
5 Ancient Home Remedies that are Still Useful Today
Some professionals in the medical filed might fret when you tell them that you would rather resort into the use of traditional home remedies rather than the drugs that are prescribed for you. Well, it is natural for them to react negatively because they might see it as an insult that you do not follow their instructions. However, there is nothing to be afraid of with the use of homemade treatments. After all, they are backed with extensive history in the field of alternative medicine.
The reason on why they are popular is basically because they have proven to be effective and have withstood the test of time. With such being said, the rest of this article will provide you with a brief introduction on some of the ancient home remedies that are still being practiced by many people today and considered to be viable alternatives to various contemporary approaches in treating specific health conditions.
- Hydrotherapy. Some of you might think that hydrotherapy is a contemporary practice, which is specifically seen in high-end spas promising to provide you with a relaxing time and soothing the tired body. In reality, however, this is an ancient practice that has evolved through time. There are some modifications introduced, including the use of modern equipment, but the general premise is rooted from ancient traditions.
Some of the countries that have used such in the early times include China, Japan, Rome, Greece, and Egypt, among others. In Rome, this has been used not only as a means for treating various ailments, but also as a form of recreation and socialization, as proven by the popularity of public baths in the country. In today’s practice, water therapy is also blended with aromatherapy in order to provide a higher level of effectiveness.
- Massage. Like in the case of hydrotherapy, massages were not introduced just as a result of the surfacing of spas. It is a practice with extensive history. In fact, according to experts, it dates back from as far as human history itself. Therapeutic touch is not only believed to be done in the ancient times for being able to soothe the body, but also as a part of rituals of different groups. Along the way, perfumes, lotions, and oils, among others, have been also incorporated in order to make massage target a specific goal. Today, massage can be done at the comfort of your own home to treat body pain and other conditions, such as anxiety.
- Honey. For thousands of years, honey, especially in its raw form, has been proven to be one of the most effective home remedies for various conditions. Even doctors would agree on how it is rich in terms of nutritional value. While most people would often use honey as a sweetener for their tea, it has other purposes. It is considered to be a powerful antiseptic, which is why it is a default choice for the treatment of wounds and burns. It is also antiviral, which makes it good for the treatment of common cases of colds and coughs.
- Garlic. In the practice of ancient Indian medicine, garlic is believed to be the perfect alternative for being able to cure lack of appetite, skin diseases, and rheumatism, among others. Today, garlic has transcended the test of time and is considered to be one of the magical home remedies for different conditions. Because it is considered to be rich in antioxidants, it is used for treating skin conditions and also as a part of being able to defy the visible signs of aging. If you have toothache, garlic will also be a viable solution. Of you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol; intake of garlic is also recommended because it is believed to have properties to help make the blood thinner.
- Ginger. While many would most probably think of ginger as a flavoring for food, it actually does more than that. Based on practices in ancient alternative medicine, ginger is said to be effective in being able to combat inflammation. It is also used for being able to treat nausea and an upset stomach. There are also several studies in the past claiming that making ginger a part of your diet will make it an effective anticancer agent.
Smart Snacking
6 Health Boosting Snacks That You Can Eat Anywhere
After making the decision to eat better and maybe even lose weight, one of the biggest stumbling blocks that people come across is finding healthy snacks that they can eat during the day.
The problem with most snack foods is that they are loaded with added sugars and refined carbohydrates and lacking healthy fats, fiber, protein, and antioxidants.
However, with a little preparation and creativity, you can make delicious, nutrient-packed snacks that will support your weight loss efforts while maximizing your health. Here are 6 fast snacks, all under 400 calories, that you can start adding to your diet today.
- Coconut Raspberry Parfait
This is a simple snack made up of raspberries, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, and flaxseed meal. Raspberries have more fiber than any other fruit, and Greek yogurt is loaded with protein and probiotics. Coconut milk contains healthy fats, and flaxseed meal contains cholesterol-lowering omega-3s, and filling fiber. This is one of my all time favorite snacks. It has it all: fiber, protein, fats, and low impact carbs; plus it is very portable.
- Pistachios
Pistachios are a great snack because you can eat more pistachio nuts per ounce than any other nuts (49 nuts compared to only 22 almonds). The added difficulty of shelling each nut before you can eat it forces you to eat slower as well.
- Green Eggs
This is one of my snacks that was featured in Men’s Fitness magazine. Hard boil a couple of eggs, shell them, cut them in half (lengthwise), and remove the yolks as if you were making deviled eggs. Now, fill the hole in the egg with 1-2 teaspoons of guacamole.
- Cashew Cookie Larabar
Larabars are one of my favorite nutritional bars as they are minimally processed, have no additives, preservatives or refined sugar, and you can pronounce every food on the ingredient list (which is usually only 2 – 4 foods). One of their best flavors, Cashew Cookie, has 2 ingredients: cashews and dates.
Larabars are a great ‘emergency snack’, and are good to have around in case you need something quick and healthy. In most areas, they are available in grocery stores and gas stations. These are great to carry with you while traveling, when you may not have quick access to other healthy snacks.
- Nutrient Optimized Shakes
Nutrient Optimized Shake is just a fancy name for a smoothie that is jam packed with protein, fiber, essential fats, and other nutrients. Compared to generic meal replacement shakes that you’d find at your local grocery or supplement store (which usually lack essential fats, fiber, quality carbohydrates, and other nutrients), Nutrient Optimized Shakes are the Rolls Royce of meal replacements. The following recipe is for the Basic Nutrient Optimized Shake and is just under 300 calories.
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (<5g carb, <2g fat per serving)
1 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 Tbsp walnuts
1 Tbsp flaxseed meal
12-16oz water
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Adding more ice or less water will increase the thickness of the shake.
- Cheese Sticks
Cheese sticks are portioned, high protein snacks that are readily available just about everywhere (even gas stations). In addition to generally packing 8 grams of protein per stick, cheese sticks also contain fat. The combination of fat and protein is a physiological 1-2 bunch against recurring hunger. Both fat and protein stimulate the release of hormones that travel to your brain to let it know that you are full and satisfied.
Sleeping Off the Pounds
Sleep Your Way to Abs
When you think about ways to lose weight, you probably think of exercising more and/or eating less. You probably aren’t thinking that you need to sleep more…but you do.
The CDC estimates that over 1/3 of the U.S. population is sleep deprived. 5.8% of men and 3.5% of women reported falling sleep while driving over the last 30 days!
How Much Sleep Do I Need?
In order to optimize your sleep for fat loss (and good health) you don’t need a lot of sleep, but you need to make sure you are getting enough. This means getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night. The range accounts for personal differences in sleep needs. During times of higher stress, your body will need more sleep than it usually does.
Sleep and Weight Loss
People don’t get enough sleep. Sleep is important. How does this relate to you losing weight? The link between less sleep and higher body weight is growing clearer each day. Here are 3 ways that not getting enough sleep is hurting your weight loss efforts.
Sleep and Leptin
Leptin is a hormone that is released from your fat cells. Leptin travels from your fat cells to your brain and has the power to regulate both calories in and calories out. Higher levels of leptin will reduce your appetite and increase your metabolic rate.
Sleep is a major effector of leptin. Research shows that just one night of deficient sleep (4-6hrs) can cause up to a 20% decrease in leptin levels. These decreases in leptin due to sleep deficiency are also sustained throughout periods of not getting enough sleep.
Sleep & Ghrelin
Ghrelin is another hormone in your body, released from your digestive tract, that controls your appetite. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone; when ghrelin is released, you get hungry. Reducing calories (as you would as part of a weight loss diet) leads to a sustained increase in ghrelin levels (so you already have one strike against you with respects to ghrelin).
Inadequate sleep also causes a rise in ghrelin levels. Data from the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study showed that sleeping 5 vs. 8 hours a night lead to a 15% increase in ghrelin levels.
The negative changes with leptin and ghrelin that occur when you don’t get enough sleep drive you to eat more calories, while your body is primed to burn less calories.
Sleep & Willpower
Not getting enough sleep also impacts your ability to make good decisions for your health and wellness. Our world is set up to get you to move less and eat more. Consistently exercising and eating a quality calorie controlled diet is not easy. It is even harder with reduced willpower and that is exactly what insufficient sleep gives you. When you are sleep deprived, the portion of your brain responsible for willpower doesn’t work as well. Keep your motivation high by getting enough sleep.
Successful Sleeping
Sometimes just getting to bed earlier isn’t enough, as despite being in bed, you are still having trouble getting to sleep. Here are 8 ways to get better sleep.
Have a routine: Get into a nightly routine so your body knows when it is time to get to sleep.
Avoid alcohol: Alcohol may help you get to sleep a little faster, but it decreases the quality of the sleep that you get.
Make your room dark: Sleeping in a dark room will help improve the quality of your sleep.
Disconnect early: Disconnect from technology, as the light from different devices provides your body a false sense of the time of day as well. Getting away from that light allows your body to correctly identify that it is night.
Avoid stimulants: Minimize your intake of caffeine later in the day to ensure it doesn’t impact your ability to get to sleep.
Stay cool: Your body sleeps best and will be best able to transition to all the necessary stages of sleep at cooler temperatures.
Have a great bed: Get a great bed. You spend a good portion of your life in it! Having a great bed can be the difference between getting good and bad sleep.
Stretch before bed: Stretching stimulates the rest and recovery part of our nervous system. Spend 5-7 minutes stretching before bed to help your body relax.
Simple Carb Cutting
5 Simple Ways to Substitute Lower Carb Foods for Higher Carb Foods
The simplest and most effective way to enhance your weight loss efforts is to eat fewer carbohydrates. To reap the weight loss and health benefits of a lower carb diet, you don’t need an extremely low-carb ‘Atkins-style’ diet. Instead, you can make a couple of easy substitutions, by switching from starchy and grain-based carbs to their unassuming vegetable counterparts.
In addition to the weight loss benefit you’ll receive from eating less carbohydrates, you’ll also be getting more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients by adding more nutrient rich foods to your diet.
The Simple Switches
Spaghetti Squash for Spaghetti
Why Switch? Making this switch will save you 33 grams of carbohydrates and 178 calories per cup.
How to Switch? Cut spaghetti squash in half and remove seeds. Place a damp paper towel over each side and microwave 7-8 minutes face-up and then 7-8 minutes face-down (or bake face-down on a baking sheet for 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven). Once cooked, run a fork lengthwise down the squash and watch it come out like strands of spaghetti. Add tomato sauce or pesto, meatballs, and enjoy this guilt-free spaghetti dinner.
White Beans for Mashed Potatoes
Why Switch? Switching 1/2 cup of beans for 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes will give you 8x more protein and 6x more fiber.
How to Switch? Mash 1 can of cannellini beans with 1 clove of garlic and 1 tsp of extra virgin olive oil for a surprisingly delicious alternative to mashed potatoes. A 1/2 cup of these mashed beans with a side spinach salad are the perfect compliment to any steak.
Roasted Turnips for Roasted Potatoes
Why Switch? Turnips contain a special nutrient called glucosinolates. Glucosinolates are powerful antioxidants with anti-cancer properties (specifically colon, lung, breast, and pancreatic cancers).
How to Switch? Cut the turnips into 1 inch cubes, toss in olive oil, salt, pepper, onion powder, and dried basil. Place on baking sheet and roast at 450 degrees for 20 minutes. Cubed turnips can also replace potatoes in stews and soups.
Portobello Mushroom Caps for Hamburger Buns
Why Switch? Most hamburger buns are made with refined grains and are nutritionally void. By making this switch, you’ll be replacing 120 empty calories with 44 power-packed calories.
Mushrooms are the only source of an extremely potent antioxidant called ergothioneine, which some researchers think will be used in the future to treat cancer. Portobello mushrooms are also a good source of potassium, an essential mineral for lowering blood pressure.
How to Switch? Grill two Portobello mushroom caps (seasoned with olive oil, salt, and pepper) and use them as the bun to your burger. You may find that 2 Portobello mushroom caps are too much; if so, just use one and have an open-faced burger.
Bibb Lettuce Wraps for Flour Tortillas
Why Switch? Bibb lettuce (also known as Boston lettuce) is perfect for wraps because the leaves are flexible and tender (unlike iceberg or romaine leaves which are more rigid). Switching several Bibb leaves for a flour tortilla will save you almost 200 calories, allowing you room to pack your wrap with more nutrient-rich and satisfying vegetables and proteins.
How to Switch? Spread Dijon mustard onto a leaf of Bibb lettuce. On top of that, add a couple slices of roasted turkey breast, provolone cheese, hummus, sliced red onion, and sliced tomatoes. Roll up like a wrap or fold in half like a taco (depending on how many vegetables you layer on). You can also wrap your lettuce roll with plastic wrap for a portable, eat anywhere snack.
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