
Golf Conditioning Can Improve Your Game

No matter what your score in golf, it can always get better. Today, more and more golfers are adding golf conditioning to their improvement program. While you don’t have to have a personal trainer to start working out, when it comes to specialized workouts, such as ones that prepare your body for a specific sport, such as golf, a Bergan County personal trainer is the only way to go. The perfect swing comes from more than just power, but also includes flexibility. Unless you’re working on both strength and flexibility, you’ll find your game won’t improve as rapidly.

The perfect balancing act is necessary.

You want to be powerful to drive that ball, but if you’re too strong, but have no range of motion, no matter what strength training you do, it won’t help. A personal trainer can design a program that not only increases your range of motion and flexibility, it also increases your strength and stamina, to help you attain the perfect drive. Improved power and flexibility will get the ball sailing off the tee for more distance.

Prevent injuries with conditioning.

Unless you prepare your body for golfing, or any other sport for that matter, you may find yourself nursing a injury instead of out on the green. Injuries can come fro the stress you place on shoulders and the lower back. They also can affect your hips, elbows and wrists. Paying close attention to conditioning and the mechanics can help prevent this. Even learning stretches can help avoid rotator cuff injuries. A personal trainer can provide you with exercises that you can do before you start your game to help prevent serious injuries on the course.

A personal trainer shows you workouts for all muscle groups.

A successful swing doesn’t just use the arm or upper body muscles, it uses a wide variety of muscles throughout your body. Your leg muscles help produce the power at the initiation of the swing, the core muscles transfer that power and important when it comes to the speed your club head achieves. You need strength in the arm muscles for accuracy and control. Personal trainers in Fort Lee and Bergen County can show you overall workouts that work all the muscles necessary for the perfect swing.

You’ll build the stamina to walk the course when you have an overall fitness program for golf. Not only does overall fitness help your game, it also improves your life and prevents serious conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

A healthy diet can play an important role in your overall fitness and even in lowering your handicap. Personal trainers can show you how to make healthier choices when you eat, which can help you lose weight and become fitter.

Cardio training improves your stamina, which is especially important to keep you vigorous through all 18 holes.

You’ll be amazed at the difference golf fitness training makes, not only in your game, but in your overall fitness. Personal trainers also adjust the workouts for preseason, season and post season training.

Functional Training Prepares Your Body for Active Living

If you don’t want big muscles but do want to live healthier, functional training might just be your answer. If a person is functionally fit, he or she has the muscle development to the common daily task everyone does, but at a reduced risk of injury. Functional training uses several different muscles at the same time to simulate the activities we do each day. It also focuses on core stability, which is very important no matter what your age.

You’ll exercise many parts of your body at once.

If you’re lifting groceries, rising out of a chair or bending over to tie your shoes, you’re using several groups of muscles at one time. Functional fitness training addresses that issue by providing exercises that help the muscles work synergistically, working several at one time. Instead of just exercising the abdominal muscles, you might do an exercise that works the stomach, back, arms and legs. These types of exercises can improve the quality of life, while also helping you live healthier.

People of all ages benefit from functional training.

While seniors benefit considerably from this type of training, which can extend the length of time they can live on their own by reducing the potential for strains and falls, you don’t have to be a senior to reap rewards. You’ll improve your posture with functional training since it works out core muscles, which makes it beneficial for all ages. In today’s world where sitting at a desk or computer plays an important role in jobs, functional training is an important way to build all muscle groups at once. It works the muscles in ways they were supposed to move before the advent of labor-saving devices left us sedentary.

You’ll lose weight with functional training.

Functional fitness training in Fort Lee, NJ help you build lean muscle tissue. The exercises are great calorie burning workouts that not only provide exercise to your entire body, but also help build your endurance and strength. Just as any program of regular exercise, these muscle tissue building exercises also help boost your metabolism. The muscle tissue they build requires more calories than fat tissue does, so you burn additional calories 24/7…even when you’re not exercising.

You’ll develop core stability with functional training. It teaches the core muscles to help stabilize the spine from external force.

You can enhance a sports specific training program with functional fitness training. It helps provide training that builds the relationship between the muscles and nervous systems to decrease reaction time and improve movement patterns.

This type of exercise, as with all forms of exercise, done on a regular basis not only increases your strength, balance and flexibility, it also boosts your immune system to provide even more protection for your health.

Functional training is one method of keeping your body strong and healthy. You work muscles on a variety of planes, using various angles, which machines simply can’t do. It more closely resembles that actual workout your body has doing common everyday activities.

Enjoy Your Exercise

Probably the most frequently heard complaint about exercising is that it’s boring. It’s very important that you enjoy your exercise. If you don’t, the odds of you continuing decrease. There are a number of different reasons people become turned off to exercise. Sometimes they lack variety, sometimes they simply don’t challenge themselves and sometimes they simply don’t have a routine that stimulates them. In Bergan County, you can make huge changes in your exercise routine, when you use the services of a personal trainer.

Change is a good thing.

If you’ve had the same workout for months or years and find it’s getting very stale, you’ll benefit from getting new ideas from a personal trainer. While trainers may show you new calisthenics or weight lifting routines, they also may come up with a completely different idea, such as using kettlebells for your workout. Not only will you learn a new technique, you’ll learn to do it the right way. The personal trainer not only shows you how to exercise, he or she watches to insure you execute it correctly. Doing an exercise incorrectly can cause injury or minimize the benefits.

Make your routine more challenging.

One of the problems with exercising on your own is that you often stay at one plateau. You start a routine and fail to make it more difficult as you improve your fitness level. Personal trainers can help with this problem too. A personal trainer not only designs a workout program that challenges you now, he or she also adjusts that program to maintain the same level of challenge as your body becomes fitter. You’ll find a more challenging exercise program can take the yawn right out of exercising.

Exercise with a friend.

You can have fun and become fitter when you go to a boot camp or get semi-private training from a personal trainer. Both of these options not only give you the benefits of having a personal trainer, but at a far discounted price. Group workouts also provide socialization and comradery. In both semi-private sessions and boot camps, everyone works at his or her own personal maximum ability, so each person understands just how challenging each other’s goals can be. You’ll often hear words of encouragement and even cheering when someone makes a goal. Working out with a friend or friends can boost the energy of a workout and make it more enjoyable.

Vary your activities. You don’t always have to get your exercise in a gym. Golf, tennis, jogging and even dancing count as vigorous exercise that helps you get back into shape and become healthier.

Keep track of your progress. You may not realize just how much progress you’ve made, because you see yourself daily and the changes are subtle. However, if you keep a written or photographic record, it will be easy to see just how much you’ve improved. That always makes it more fun to exercise.

Boogie your way to fitness. Turn on the radio or put in a CD and exercise to the music. You might even make your exercise routine into a dance routine. Dancing is a vigorous form of exercise and it’s also plenty of fun.

Workout as a family or as a couple. Get everyone moving and on the road to fitness. Even though kids are active normally, in today’s world video games often replace running. You’ll bond more when you exercise together.

When It Comes to Fitness, You Have to Be Realistic to Be Successful

In the world of fitness, you must be realistic to be successful. Don’t expect to lose weight miraculously or build muscles without working. Becoming fit takes dedication and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. That doesn’t mean it can’t be fun and exciting. Anything worth having is worth working for and fitness is definitely on the top of the list. Your health and fitness makes a difference throughout your entire life. It not only adds years to your life, it adds life to those years. A fit body helps you develop confidence and look fantastic, while it also slows the aging process.

Don’t expect a miracle diet.

When you work with a personal trainer to improve your health or lose weight, don’t expect him or her to give you a miracle diet to take off pounds overnight. Instead, the trainer will provide nutritional advice to help you make better choices when it comes to selecting food. Diets don’t work. That’s because they always end, either in front of the refrigerator at two in the morning or in success. Either way, you go back to your old eating patterns that put the weight on in the first place. Learning to eat healthier is the only way to take pounds off and keep them from returning. It also helps boost your immune system while providing nutrients that are necessary for a healthy body.

Set a realistic goal.

While you don’t want your goal to be so simple you don’t have to work to achieve it, you also don’t want to set one so high that you’ll become discouraged. Even if you have to lose a hundred pounds, your trainer will show you how to break down that goal to smaller achievable goals. Nothing is as important as seeing success when you’re trying to lose weight or become fit. Setting smaller realistic goals helps you stay on target as it acknowledges the success you have.

Work hard, but don’t overdo.

The first time you workout, you’ll probably want to push yourself beyond your capacity. While that’s good, if you’re not doing each exercise correctly, it can cause muscle strain and injury. A personal trainer can identify your level of fitness and design a program that works you to your maximum, but is still within your ability.

Personal trainers not only show you how to do each exercise correctly, they also watch to insure you do them right. Doing an exercise incorrectly can minimize the benefits or cause injury.

Even if you have realistic goals, sometimes attaining them can get discouraging. A personal trainer can help you stay motivated during times when you reach a plateau. Eventually, you’ll see big results.

When you workout smart, doing each exercise correctly and to your maximum potential, you’ll start to see results relatively quickly. They may be in the form of a higher energy level, weight loss or even looser clothing.

Setting and reaching realistic goals in fitness helps you build the confidence to set goals in other areas of your life.

Improve Your Life and Health by Making Positive Changes

Making positive changes toward better health can occur a little at a time and be so minor, you may even doubt they help. However, when you add all these changes together, you start to see big differences in the way you look and feel. Bad habits creep in just as easily. Maybe you never bought soda pop or sugary treats, but one day picked up a package while shopping. The next thing you know, you’re buying them again and again. They now have become a habit. The same holds true for living a sedentary lifestyle. You can reverse all the negative changes you’ve made in your life and start heading towards the positive side of life.

Start moving

You may not be able to run 20 miles, but you probably can walk around the block. Becoming more active has to start somewhere, so do whatever you can to increase the activity in your life. Eventually, you’ll be surprised to find you have the stamina and energy to run the 20 miles, if that’s your goal.

Learn to eat healthier

In order to lose weight, you don’t have to diet. In fact, dieting doesn’t work. That’s because diets always end and you go back to eating the same way that put on the weight in the first place. Instead of dieting, learn to eat healthier. Here in Bergen County, NJ, personal trainers can help show you small changes you can make in your eating patterns that reap big rewards. Maybe the changes seem minor, such as substituting some unsweetened applesauce for some of the oil or sugar in baking, but each change makes the food you eat more nutritious and lower in calories. Individually these changes make only small differences in your caloric intake, but as a group, they make a dynamic difference that can help you take weight off and keep it off permanently.

Small changes build to big results

You need a long term goal to aim toward, but you also need to make short term achievements too. While your long term goal may be overall fitness and losing 30 pounds, exercising a half hour a day might be one short term goal you need to achieve first. Sometimes, keeping long term goals in mind can help you make simple changes in your life. For instance, rather than circling the parking lot looking for a spot close to the door of the store, you might park at a distance, saving gas and increasing the amount of exercise you get for the day. Taking the stairs, rather than the elevator, is another small change you can make that gives big dividends.

You’ll watch your blood pressure lower and improve your cholesterol without the benefit of medication when you eat healthier and get more exercise.

You’ll change your mind about difficult chores around the house when you consider just how much exercise you’re getting. In fact, some people find that when they consider these chores as exercise, they breeze through them faster and have more time for themselves.


You’ll start to feel changes within a few weeks. You’ll notice you can walk faster and further without needing to rest and start to see pounds slide off, revealing a new you.

You’ll start to feel happier and ready for the world when you increase the amount of exercise you get. Exercise stimulates the brain to create hormones that make you feel good. It also burns off the negative hormones created by stress.

Nutritional Tips in Edgewater Can Make Weight Loss Easier

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a mom who wants to make meals healthier, someone who wants to lose weight or your doctor told you to eat healthier for better health, you’ll get some beneficial nutritional tips in Edgewater when you use the services of a personal trainer with a certification in nutrition. You’ll be amazed at how eating more nutritious foods can improve your health. While doctors are experts at almost all health related issues, very few doctors have more than just one nutrition class. In fact, many doctors often tell you to eat healthier and get regular exercise, but they don’t give you any more information. You can learn how to do this with the help of a personal trainer.

nutrition weight lossPersonal trainers stay abreast of the latest information on nutrition and exercise.

Many studies show that a healthy diet and regular exercise can help control or even reverse serious conditions. While a round body was fashionable at one time, today we know it may cause health issues that can shorten life or diminish the quality of life. Stick thin isn’t in either, but healthy and energetic is. Overweight is one of the leading causes of preventable illness. It’s epidemic today. While a sedentary lifestyle is part of the cause, fast food restaurants and junk foods is the other part of it. Learning to eat healthier is the best medicine for many conditions, when you add exercise to the mix; you’re creating a program that makes you destined for good health.

Exercise and a healthy diet can boost your immune system.

Not only does a healthy diet provide antioxidants, exercise also increases them. When you first exercise, your body reacts to the extra free radicals produced in your body from exercise and it stimulates the production of more antioxidants. The longer you exercise the more your body produces its own antioxidants, even when you’re not exercising, giving you an adequate supply to fight off free radicals from other places. A healthy diet also provides antioxidants that protect the cells. Exercise and a healthy diet also create longer telomeres, which protect the cell’s DNA and allow it to live and replicate longer. Cell death is responsible for disease and aging.

Your food doesn’t have to taste like cardboard when you eat healthy.

Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to eat foods that taste “healthy.” In fact, many of the nutritional tips offered by personal trainers and nutritional experts include using herbs and spices to add extra vitamins and nutrients to your dishes. You’ll find many of the tips give you gourmet flavor but are still extremely healthy. You’ll offer dishes everyone loves and amaze them with just how nutritious they are.

You don’t have to combine diet and exercise when you use the services of a personal trainer, but the option is always available. Some people simply want to learn how to cook healthier for their family, while others want to lose weight or become fitter. No matter why you seek out extra information, a personal trainer can help with your fitness program.
You’ll have more vim and vigor when you combine a healthy diet and exercise. A healthy diet can help you prevent energy lags and give you more vitality, but so can regular exercise. Combining provides a double boost.
You’ll learn how to make substitutions that can lower calories and boost nutritional levels of your favorite recipes.
Personal trainers ask you about food preferences and then find ways to make your favorite foods more nutritious.

Continue reading Nutritional Tips in Edgewater Can Make Weight Loss Easier »

You’ll Lose Weight Faster with a Combination North Bergen Weight Loss Program

If you’re serious about wanting to lose weight, you won’t get permanent results with the latest diet you found on the internet. Diets just don’t work. Instead you need a North Bergen weight loss program that combines healthy eating with exercise. This type of approach takes weight off fast and keeps it from ever returning. Unlike regular diets, which always end either in success or disaster, you don’t go back to old unhealthy eating habits that put the weight on in the first place.

A personal trainer can design a combination weight loss program specifically for you.selviedeadlift

Personal trainers don’t use a cookie cutter approach. They understand that everyone has a different level of fitness, different goals and different special needs. Instead, the trainer first does an assessment and then designs a program that’s difficult, but still within your capabilities. It’s a combination of a healthy diet and exercise. You’ll workout harder than you ever would on your own, so you’ll lose weight faster.

Learning new ways of eating doesn’t mean you’ll feel deprived.

Your eating habits and lack of exercise helped put on the weight, so the only way to lose it is to develop new eating habits and start exercising. However, unlike diets that can be restrictive and leave you feeling hungry, personal trainers can show you ways to make wiser food choices. The suggestions may involve simple substitutions, such as using Greek yogurt to replace sour cream or it may include advice on having healthy snacks available so you don’t raid the candy machine at work or clean out the candy rack at the gas station on the way home. You may not have to give up your favorite foods, but instead, learn how to make them healthier with fewer calories.

Exercise is the cornerstone to weight loss.

While a healthy diet is the building blocks of a healthy thinner body, you need exercise in the mix to make weight loss more successful and faster. Not only does exercise burn more calories, it also builds muscle tissue. When you have more muscle tissue, you’ll burn even more calories, since muscle tissue will burn off more calories than fat tissue does. You’ll be stoking calories 24/7. Exercise also has many other benefits.

Exercise also is a stress buster. Stress can often lead to overeating and it also produces cortisol, which is linked to abdominal fat. Exercise burns off these hormones and stimulates the brain to create ones that make you feel good.
Exercise gives you more energy and stamina. Extra energy means you’ll be able to be more active and burn even more calories.
Exercise helps you sleep better at night. A good night’s sleep is important to good health, but lack of it may cause you to reach for a sugary snack to boost your energy level.
You’ll see results faster with the combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise. There’s nothing more motivating to keep you working out and eating healthy than seeing successful results.

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Learn Healthy Recipes from a Fort Lee Personal Trainer

You might initially think of a Fort Lee personal trainer as just an exercise coach, but trainers are far more than that. Personal trainers not only help you maximize your workout time but also can show you healthy recipes in Fort Lee to lower your caloric intake, without making you feel deprived or leaving you hungry. Trainers today provide nutritional help on an individual basis. Not everyone has a weakness for Ben and Jerry’s, some people find pizza or other foods are their downfall. Trainers listen to your special needs, help identify your favorite foods, assess your level of fitness and learn of any special needs. Only then does a trainer design a program specifically for you.

The trainer won’t give you a diet, because diets don’t work.

Diets never work, even when they’re successful. That’s because they always end and you go back to your old eating habits, which put the weight on in the first place. Instead of handing you a diet, a personal trainer shows you how to make healthier food choices. The training may include substituting one food for another or learning how to make your favorite food healthier, such as using unsweetened applesauce to replace some of the oil in baked goods. Most people never feel deprived or hungry and often find they’re eating more, but losing weight faster.bobby

The combination of a healthy diet with exercise is the Waterloo of fat.

A healthy diet lowers calories and if that’s all you did, you’d lose weight. However, when you add exercise to the mix, you’re not only improving your healthy, you’re burning calories faster, which means you’ll also lose weight faster. Exercise builds muscle tissue and muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue does, so you’ll be burning extra calories 24 hours a day—even when you’re sleeping.

You’ll workout harder than you would on your own.

The personal trainer assesses your fitness level so he or she can design a program that works you to your maximum capabilities, but is still within your reach. As your fitness level improves, the trainer modifies the program to reflect that improvement. You’ll always be working at your maximum, but safely within your ability.

The trainer will show you how to execute each exercise correctly and then watch to insure you do it right. That’s important because doing an exercise right can help prevent injury and maximize the benefits.
You’ll learn how to make delicious foods that are also very healthy. If you have a family, you’ll be able to teach them how to eat healthier by serving healthy foods. Many of the foods use herbs and spices to add flavor, which means you’ll all be eating like gourmets but with lower calorie recipes.
The combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise not only zaps fat, it also helps prevent serious conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. If you already have a problem, the combination may make it more manageable.
You’ll have more energy the more you exercise. The increased stamina and endurance gives you plenty of energy to do other activities that also burn calories, making weight loss and a healthy lifestyle easier.

Continue reading Learn Healthy Recipes from a Fort Lee Personal Trainer »

Edgewater Workouts

after-MilenaKishIf weight loss is your goal, dieting alone won’t help. However, when you combine a healthy lower calorie diet and a workout, you’ll have a dynamite combination to blast away faster. Of course, knowing how to do each exercise correctly is important, since executing a routine incorrectly can minimize the benefits and sometimes even cause injury that can set your plans back for months. That’s why many people use the services of a personal trainer to help them get the most out of their Edgewater workout.

The concept of weight loss isn’t difficult.

  • Losing weight is a matter of consuming fewer calories than you burn. Eating a healthy diet lowers your intake and adding exercise increases your output, making it perfect for those who want to lose weight faster and safer. Exercise does so much more for those who want to lose weight. Exercise builds muscle tissue and muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does.

A personal trainer can show you exercises that maximize your time in the gym.

  • You probably already know a few exercises from your days in gym class. While any type of exercise is beneficial, some are far more beneficial in burning calories. Personal trainers can show you ones that will either shorten your workout time or take pounds off faster. Trainers also provide many other benefits. Personal trainers first assess your level of fitness; learn your goals and any special needs. Trainers then create a program that works you to maximum capacity, but is still within your capability. You’ll work harder than you’d ever work on your own and see far more progress.

Using a personal trainer for weight loss can keep you motivated.

  • It’s not always easy to stick to a workout regimen and far easier to skip going to the gym or working out, particularly after a long day at work or early in the morning before work. However, when you know you’re meeting with a personal trainer, you tend to make the extra effort. Trainers also provide other motivation, such as support during difficult plateaus in weight loss.

The more you exercise the more energy you have to do other activities that also burn calories.

Not only will you lose weight faster, you’ll look thinner even if you didn’t lose a single pound when you add exercise to weight loss. People who workout often find they wear a size smaller even if they don’t lose a single pound.

You’ll burn off stress hormones with exercise. Stress hormones, such as cortisol can play havoc with your body. Some studies show cortisol may cause fat to accumulate around the abdomen. Exercise not only burns off stress hormones, it replaces them with ones that make you feel good.

You’ll sleep better at night after working out. A good night’s sleep is mandatory for good health. It also can help you avoid the temptations of sugary snacks.

Continue reading Edgewater Workouts »

Don’t Believe These 5 Myths

Nothing irks me more than when good people are misled by fitness myths. These myths interfere results and keep people miles from their goal weight.

So I’ve got to warn you about the false rumors going around Bergen County, about strength training.

Strength training is the number one thing you could possibly do for your health, development, and fitness.

Don’t fall for one of these 5 myths and miss out on remarkable potential results.

Strength Training Myth #1: Muscle Can Turn Into Fat

Why would you want to build muscle if they think it could morph into fat over time? Don’t worry; this myth is seriously bogus.

Muscle tissue is muscle tissue. Fat tissue is fat tissue. One will never become the other.

Strength Training Myth #2: Strength Training Makes Women Bulk Up

Sure, strength training increases the amount of muscle on your body, so many women take this to mean that their body will become body-builder-esque. Not quite the look you’re going for…

The truth is that the female body simply doesn’t naturally contain large enough levels of testosterone to put on bulk muscle without a very focused and dedicated effort. Rest assured, ladies, the effort you spend on strength training will get you closer to that lean, toned look you want.

Strength Training Myth #3: Strength Train Enough and You Can Eat Anything

This irks me all the time, as I’ve seen so many people throw away their hard- earned fitness results by eating unhealthy foods.  If you do strength training everyday at intense rate, your total calories will still count. A lot of people miscalculate how many calories they eat with how many calories the burn each day.

For best results, maintain a calorie-controlled is to have fresh diet, and be on the strength training routine.

Strength Training Myth #4: Strength Training Does Not Burn Fat

If you are trying to loose weight, muscle is your number one ally against fat gains. Regular strength training helps you increase your muscle mass as well as preserves existing muscle mass.
Strength Training Myth #5: High Reps And Light Weights For Toning

Never do high repetitions because that will increase your muscular endurance but will not add strength or tone.  In order for you to challenge your muscles, you need to do heavier weights with lower repetitions. By including strength training as a part of the fitness routine you’ll achieve a fit and toned body in Bergen County.

My custom-made fitness programs remove all of the guesswork for you. I know what works, and I make it my mission to see you reach your goals.

Call or email me today and we’ll get you started on the program that’s best for you.

For Best Results…

Want to get the most from your workouts? Follow these 5 tips:

  1. Be Consistent: exercise at least 4 times each week.
  2. Be Challenged: change your routine often.
  3. Be Patient: don’t forget that true fitness results take time.
  4. Be Excited: find an exercise program that you love.
  5. Be Coached: call in a professional, like me, for real results. Call or email today!

Cranberry Chicken Salad

Meals that are high in protein and natural fiber are the perfect way to compliment your strength training routine to achieve your fat loss goal quickly. This recipe for Cranberry Chicken Salad is a delicious way to eat lean and clean. Serve on large lettuce leaves. Servings: 8

Here’s what you need…


  • 4 cups cooked chicken breast, cubed
  • 1 fennel bulb, chopped
  • 1/4 cup roasted pistachios, chopped
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • 1 Tablespoon roasted pepitas
  • 3 Tablespoons coconut milk, canned and full fat
  • 1 teaspoon dried, ground sage
  • 3 Tablespoons fresh parsley, minced
  • dash of salt and pepper
  • head of Romaine lettuce

1. Mix all of the ingredients, except the lettuce, in a bowl. Serve by spooning the chicken salad in large Romaine lettuce leaves.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 221 calories, 9 fat, 123mg sodium, 10g carbohydrates, 4g fiber, and 23g protein.

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