
No More Average Workouts

No More Average Workouts

At VIP Fitness in Fort Lee, NJ, we focus on helping you achieve your goals. We create a workout that allows you to reach those goals quicker and focus on excellence, not average. What is the difference between an excellent workout and an average one? It’s not how much time you spend at the gym […]

Be In A Better Mood

Be In A Better Mood

There are many reasons to exercise. Good health, weight loss, and endurance are a few. One reason people don’t mention is the effect exercise has on mood. I see it a lot at the gym in Fort Hood, NJ. Clients come in with a scowl, furrowed brow, or the appearance of stress. After they workout, […]

Best Foods For Healthy Skin

Best Foods For Healthy Skin

Food can improve your health or cause health issues. A healthy diet positively affects all of the body, including the skin. While many fitness centers only offer an exercise program, we offer a personalized diet and exercise program at VIP Fitness in Fort Lee, NJ. You’ll be amazed at the difference eating healthy can make. […]

Tips For Beginner Runners

Tips For Beginner Runners

Before beginner runners put on their shoes for their first run, they should learn a few tips to make their journey better. When running is one of the exercises chosen to boost fitness, it has some pitfalls. People who start a program of running often begin excited and ready to tackle this activity. They often […]

Importance Of Proper Form In Your Workouts

Importance Of Proper Form In Your Workouts

Using the proper form for each exercise can make the difference between successful workouts and unsuccessful ones. The way you move during an exercise affects the way the body works a muscle. If you’re not going deep enough on squats, you won’t get the benefits. If you’re lifting something heavy, it makes a difference how […]

How To Overcome Plateaus In Your Fitness Journey

How To Overcome Plateaus In Your Fitness Journey

People in Fort Lee, NJ, often face plateauing when they’re getting fit. They may face stalled weight loss or the inability to progress further in strength, flexibility, endurance, or balance. If you face those same struggles, don’t worry. You can overcome plateaus in fitness by making a few changes. Identifying the type of plateauing you […]