No More Average Workouts
At VIP Fitness in Fort Lee, NJ, we focus on helping you achieve your goals. We create a workout that allows you to reach those goals quicker and focus on excellence, not average. What is the difference between an excellent workout and an average one? It’s not how much time you spend at the gym working out, what is it? It’s how efficient you are, the effort you put in, and the attention to detail, which includes ensuring you’re doing every movement correctly.
It starts with a program designed to fit your goal, fitness level, and needs.
Our trainers create programs that are personalized. You’ll get the fastest results and reach your goal quicker using scientifically tested techniques. They show you how to do each movement and then watch to ensure you do it correctly. Your program will push you hard, but still be safely within your abilities. The trainers track your progress. Tracking your progress creates a visual representative of how far you’ve come or how you’re missing your mark. Winners keep score and tracking your workout makes you a winner.
Use the latest methods that get the best results for your body and your goal.
Not every exercise provides the same results for fitness. Some exercises even work better for some people than they do for others. The time you spend in the gym is valuable so you need to maximize your efficiency and choose the right exercises for your needs and body. It’s all about finding the most efficient workout to help you reach your goals. Our trainers do that for you and by tracking your workout and progress, also ensure that it performs as planned and gives you great results.
You have to put in the effort.
You reap what you sow. If you half-heartedly exercise, you’ll see half-hearted results. The next time you work out, ask yourself if you’re giving 100% or if you could do more. Try to push a little harder to see if it’s possible. It might feel uncomfortable initially, but when you see superior results, you’ll be glad you put forth that effort. Focus on detail. Do every minute movement correctly and with enthusiasm before pushing toward higher reps. Focus on tempo and body position.
- Getting results also depends on your diet. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Avoid foods that cause inflammation, such as sugary food, and include whole foods that contain a plethora of nutrients.
- The things you do outside the gym also count. Your body requires adequate sleep to get the full benefits of your exercise program. Keep your room cool and dark. Remove phones, TVs, and computers from your bedroom.
- Consistency is also a key to success. It’s getting exercise at a scheduled time every day that takes the workout beyond average to excellent.
- Focus on a good mental attitude, not just about working out, but life in general. Learn an attitude of gratitude and ways to cut stress quickly, like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or visualization.
For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center