Fitness & Wellness

Best Exercises For Stronger Biceps

Best Exercises For Stronger Biceps

Many members of VIP Fitness Center in Fort Lee, NJ want exercises for biceps that will make them stronger without getting big and bulky like bodybuilders. The good news is that while you’ll get some extra growth, to get that bodybuilder look, it takes a lot of extra effort. Getting stronger without gaining huge amounts of mass can be done with traditional bicep exercises. You still have to put in the time and be consistent, but you’ll start to see results quickly.

Start with traditional upper body exercises.

To build your biceps, you have to build the larger muscles of the back and get overall back strength. While you work the muscles of the back, you’ll also be building the biceps, while maintaining balance. It’s always best to work on compound exercises that build overall upper-body strength. After all, even if your biceps are strong, it’s just one small muscle that determines your overall strength. Barbell rows and dumbbell hammer curls are good exercises for that.

Do traditional push-ups, then modify them.

A standard push-up provides some benefits, but to build the biceps, you need to make modifications. If you want to work your biceps, you need to change the position of your hands. When you get into push-up position, instead of putting hands slightly wider than shoulder-width, put your hands closer together, keeping just a few inches between them.

If you have a towel, you have equipment.

A towel can be a training apparatus and used for resistance exercises that build strength. Fold a towel lengthwise several times, hold one end in your hand. Put your back against a wall, lift one leg, then slide it up under the thigh of that leg and grab the loose end with the other hand. Curl the towel up toward your chest with your leg providing resistance. Lift until the forearms touch the biceps. Hold for a few seconds then lower. Do 20 or more reps per set and three to five sets per session.

  • You can use any item with a strong foundation to do bicep curls. For instance, grabbing the frame of a doorway and holding as you lean backward to create resistance, then pull the body back toward the object and holding, lowering slowly.
  • One mistake many people make when going for strength is focusing on the lifting of weights, but not controlling the lowering of the weight. To build strength, lower weights slowly, maintaining tension.
  • Just like push-ups, you can build stronger biceps by adjusting your wrist position, such as palms up or palms down. Changing the way you grip targets the bicep muscle in a variety of ways. It also helps protect elbows and wrists.
  • Work toward failure. Choose weights light enough that you can do at least three sets of eight repetitions and keep going at that weight until the last set isn’t difficult. Then increase the number of reps to 12 before you increase weight.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

The Importance Of Rest Days

The Importance Of Rest Days

One big mistake we often see people make is being too dedicated. They do an intense workout every day and never take rest days. Taking time to let your muscles recover is important. Without recovery time, you could be sabotaging your fitness goals. You actually build muscle tissue when you’re letting it rest. When you exercise, you make small microtears in the muscles. Resting allows those tears to heal, which builds muscle. If you don’t have that downtime, those muscles never heal and get stronger. Lack of rest can even decrease the size and strength.

Burnout is another problem caused by a lack of rest time.

If you notice you are dreading your workout or find yourself exhausted after just a few minutes working out, you may be suffering from burnout. It’s both a mental and physical phenomenon. While exercise burns off the hormones of stress, ironically, it also stresses the body, especially if you’re doing an intense workout. That stress also pushes each muscle group to the limit and can cause muscle injury due to exhaustion. It can cause sleep disturbances, a higher heart rate and lower the effectiveness of the immune system.

How can you tell if you need rest days?

If you’re doing a light form of exercise, like walking or leisurely riding a bike, you aren’t raising your heart rate significantly. You also aren’t pushing yourself beyond normal capacity. However, for people that continuously raise their heart rate significantly throughout the workout, resting those muscles is important. For instance, if you’re doing weight training every day and working on the same muscle group, you’ll lose ground, rather than build. One way to avoid it is to work different muscle groups. You can create a workout that focuses on six different areas, doing one every day and having one day of rest. That way every group gets six days of rest between workouts.

A day of rest doesn’t mean staying in bed or on the couch watching TV.

Active recovery, whether from an injury or hard workout, is a real thing. Active recovery is mild exercise, such as walking, bike riding, swimming or tai chi, can be done the day after a strenuous workout. It boosts circulation, aids in eliminating toxins, reduces muscle soreness, keeps muscles flexible and helps maintain consistency when you do it at the same time as you normally workout.

  • When you include rest days in your normal workout schedule, you’ll improve your performance, increase agility and improve endurance. Stick with 150 minutes a week for intense workouts and fill in the rest with active recovery.
  • When your workout is intense, you burn the stored glycogen in the muscles that is used for energy during the workout. If you workout without an adequate store, it causes fatigue and soreness. Rest days allow replenishment.
  • Being too tired to workout, but pushing yourself to do so, also has other negative consequences. It causes you to lose focus and form, both of which can lead to injury.
  • When you don’t rest, it causes stress on the body and increases stress hormones like cortisol. Cortisol has been linked to the accumulation of belly fat, chronic fatigue and poor quality sleep.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Should I Use A Silicon Wedding Ring For The Gym?

Should I Use A Silicon Wedding Ring For The Gym?

There’s a debate going on about whether you should wear a silicon wedding ring in the gym or not. At V.I.P. 1 to 1 Fitness in Fort Lee, NJ, most people don’t. There’s a reason for that, which correlates to the reason many people do wear a silicon wedding band at other gyms. At other gyms, people workout on their own and there are large groups of people at various stations, each working independently. Not all people go to the gym for the same reason. Some use fitness as an excuse.

Sad but true, sometimes gym time is a time others are looking for a date.

It’s not easy for people to find soul mates in the 2020s, so some take their hunt to the grocery, clubs and even the gym. It’s one reason people opt to wear their wedding ring. Rather than having the awkward conversation about their marital status, they wear the identifying jewelry. Others wear a wedding ring because it’s a natural part of their commitment. Since we’re a 1 to 1 fitness center with a personal trainer for each person, it’s not the type of gym that people go to looking for a love connection.

A silicon band can protect your finger.

While your wedding band is a sign of devotion and often wearing it becomes second nature, hurting your finger or damaging the ring can occur. If you’re working out hard with a soft metal band, like gold, silver or platinum, the chances of it becoming misshapen are great. If it has a gemstone, the claw holding it can bend and allow the stone to fall out. The silicon band is stretchy, and not costly, so you can wear a ring without worrying it will catch on to a falling weight and take your finger with it.

A silicon band can help keep your wedding band cleaner.

While the danger of wearing a metal wedding band in the gym normally occurs only if you’re doing some heavy weightlifting or other extreme workout, you sweat no matter what you’re doing. That sweat can affect the metal and also, the workout can cause your fingers to swell, making a metal band tight. A silicon ring can be the answer for both. It doesn’t corrode and it stretches so you can remove it easier.

  • If you’re taking off your ring at the gym, have a safe place to store it, especially if it’s expensive. Keep a box or a very large safety pin in your gym bag and pin it to the inside of the pocket of your street clothes.
  • Silicon rings are good options for active people or those who have a job like welding are carpentry. If you participate in water sports, wearing a silicon ring instead of a traditional band can prevent the grief that occurs if the ring is lost.
  • If you have the option, and want to wear a wedding band, leave your wedding band at home on the day you go to the gym and wear a silicon ring.
  • There are silicon rings to use as wedding bands, but also ones that are just for fun. They come in a variety of colors and designs.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?

Does Drinking More Water Help You Lose Weight?

Losing weight is all about changing habits and making lifestyle changes. Some of them are harder, like changing your entire menu, while others are easier, such as finding ways to increase your activity, even if it’s just taking the stairs. Drinking water can be one of those simple ways. In fact, it’s far simpler than even parking further from the store and walking more. (Although it can really help if you do both!) How can drinking water help you shed pounds?

Ask for water instead of a soft drink or alcoholic beverage.

One of the easiest ways is drinking more water. If you simply drank water instead of drinking a higher calorie drink, like cola, you’ll cut back on calories immediately. If you drink a can of cola just once a day, it can save you 100 calories. Since it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose a pound, you could lose a pound in 35 days by making the switch and it wouldn’t require much thought or work to do. Don’t try substituting it for sugar free diet drinks. New studies show that drinking sugar free drinks may put inches on your midsection. That’s visceral fat, the worst type of fat and the hardest to lose.

If you’re thirsty, you can mistake it for hunger.

Your body sends your brain millions of messages every day. Sometimes those messages are misinterpreted. Have you ever stood in front of the refrigerator trying to figure out what you want to eat, thinking you’re hungry, but knowing crackers weren’t going to satisfy you? Lots of times, especially when dry snacks are unappealing, your brain misinterpreted what your body was saying. In reality, you need hydration. It can explain why watermelon or something juicy sounds so good. You’ll save calories if you’re hydrated.

Try drinking a large glass of water before a meal.

You’ll fill up before you start eating and won’t eat as much. Several studies show that just drinking a glass of water before a meal can help reduce your calorie intake by 75 calories. It doesn’t sound like much, but when you consider that the average person eats two meals a day, it could save you 1050 calories in a week and in little over three weeks, you’d save 3500 calories and lose a pound.

  • If you want to burn more calories and have a better workout, drinking water can help do that. Even mild dehydration can cause you to drag. Instead of drinking coffee, try a glass of water. It’s the quicker picker-upper.
  • Boost your metabolism with ice-cold water. According to some studies, drinking cold water makes your body work harder. It makes your insides cold and the body has to warm it.
  • Don’t guzzle water, especially if you’re working out, it can make you sick. Drink 8 ounces an hour before working out and then sip on it during your workout.
  • Do you bloat up with water weight? Water can come to your rescue. It acts as a diuretic. Your body hoards water for a variety of reasons, one is to normalize sodium levels. Water helps flush the sodium and you’ll get back to normal.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Yummy Benefits Of Watermelon

Yummy Benefits Of Watermelon

There are many benefits from eating watermelon. As the name implies, it contains a lot of water, approximately 92%. That can aid in hydrating you and keeping you feeling full longer. Most people who come to VIP 1 to 1 Fitness know we not only emphasize staying hydrated, but also eating healthy, nutritious foods. Watermelon can be a delicious part of the solution. Hydration is important for organ functioning, regulating body temperature and delivering nutrients to cells.

Watch out inflammation, here comes watermelon.

Long term oxidative stress can lead to inflammation and a lot of diseases are caused by inflammation, including heart disease and Alzheimer’s. That’s why consuming foods that are high in antioxidants is important. Watermelon is high in antioxidants, which include vitamin C, lycopene and antioxidants. In animal studies, two groups were fed an unhealthy diet, but one group’s diet was supplemented with watermelon powder. The group fed the powder had less oxidative stress and less inflammation.

Watermelon has phytonutrients that may reduce the risk of cancer.

The lycopene in watermelon is more than just an antioxidant, it also has anticaner benefits. However, watermelon also contains cucurbitacin E, which also has anticancer benefits. Studies vary, so some studies show it reduces the risk of prostate and colorectal cancer due to the lycopene, while others don’t draw those conclusions. Cucurbitacin E in watermelon is thought to slow the growth of tumors by encouraging autophagy, which is the process where the body eliminates damaged cells.

Lycopene is also important for eye health.

Lycopene helps reduce inflammation and oxidation, which may make a big difference in your vision, especially if you’re older. Age-related macular degeneration—AMD—is a relatively common ailment in seniors and often leads to blindness. Increasing the amount of the antioxidant lycopene may help. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the lycopene in watermelon may help prevent AMD and eventual blindness.

  • Eating a slice of watermelon is like drinking vitamin water. Watermelon contains vitamins A, B6 and C, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. It has a small amount of protein, fiber and healthy fat.
  • Have some watermelon for a workout snack. Not only does it hydrate you, but it also contains citrulline. Citrulline is an amino acid that can improve your performance when you exercise, boost recovery and help prevent muscle soreness. It may also lower blood pressure and aid with metabolic health.
  • The vitamin C and A in watermelon improve skin health. The vitamin C helps make collagen to prevent wrinkles and keeps your hair strong. Vitamin A helps with skin repair.
  • The fiber and fluid in watermelon can also help improve digestion and make it easier to have a bowel movement. That can help reduce bloating and the discomfort of constipation.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

What Makes Cilantro A Super-Herb?

What Makes Cilantro A Super-Herb?

Is cilantro a super-herb or just a wonderful herb to flavor salsa? It’s easy to answer. There are a number of healthy reasons for adding cilantro to your diet. The cilantro plant looks a lot like parsley when it’s growing and if it bolts and forms flowers, eventually those flowers turn to seed, which is another spice called coriander. People describe the taste of cilantro differently, with some saying it has a peppery, citrusy, fresh taste and others comparing it to the smell of linoleum or like eating soap. Fresh cilantro used to be more difficult to find, but now it’s sold fresh in most groceries in Fort Lee, NJ.

Cilantro has antioxidant properties.

Like many herbs and spices, cilantro has antioxidant properties from quercetin. It also has antibacterial benefits to help prevent food poisoning. The compound dodecenal in cilantro is as effective as the antibiotic drug called gentamicin in stopping the microbes causing the problem. It fights cholera, listeria, dysentery, and salmonella. It’s especially potent against listeria and salmonella. It also has eight other antibiotic compounds, so add it to your main course, snack or side dish. Cilantro laden salsa is delicious on eggs in the morning.

Help your blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Is your blood sugar too high? Cilantro may help. It’s been shown to help promote liver health and balance blood sugar levels. Add cilantro to any dish that you can to help improve your health by lowering your blood sugar levels. It also is known to help provide a healthier lipid profile by lowering total cholesterol and triglycerides. It can aid in dissolving the cholesterol that has built up in the blood vessels, too. That can help improve heart health, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of strokes. The potassium in cilantro can aid in lowering blood pressure, as well.

If you have toxic heavy metals in your body, cilantro comes to the rescue.

Heavy metal toxins, like arsenic, aluminum, mercury or lead, are everywhere from the food we eat to the water we drink. They can come from water, food or breathing in contaminated air we breathe and accumulate in your body. There are substances in cilantro that bind to these metals and help remove toxic metals from the body. Heavy metal toxicity can cause heart disease, cause neurological problems, hormonal issues and more.

  • Move over cranberry juice, cilantro’s in the house and ready to tackle those urinary tract infections, too. Not only can it help prevent the growth of bacteria, but the seeds can also help in relieving symptoms.
  • Cilantro can help prevent gas, bloating and aid in relieving indigestion. It causes digestive enzymes to be released and makes the digestive system more efficient. If spicy foods give you heartburn, add cilantro. It even helps with IBS.
  • Cilantro can be a great natural sedative. It’s been found to have the same anti-anxiety effect as Valium, but without the side effects. It also can be a great aid to improved sleep.
  • You can use it as a natural antihistamine. If you have poison ivy, mix cilantro with coconut oil and apply it where needed. It’s even good for hives and sunburn. You can also mix it with water and strain it, then mix the solids with coconut oil and drink the water for inside-outside protection.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Can I Workout While Pregnant?

Can I Workout While Pregnant?

While everyone is different and has different experiences and health conditions, in general, it’s not only safe to workout when you’re pregnant, but also beneficial. However, ultimately, you need to discuss this with your health care professional, especially if you have health issues or complications. Even if you’re not a first time mother and have worked out previously, each pregnancy is different, too.

The type of exercise you do makes a difference.

If you’re considering increasing the amount of time you walk, most physicians would agree wholeheartedly. However, taking up skiing as a beginner or contact sports might not be recommended. A lot depends on what you’ve done previously, your present level of fitness and how far into the pregnancy you are. Even if you played a contact sport for years before the pregnancy, it might not be wise to do so while pregnant. Kickboxing, martial arts, and basketball or football are a few examples.

If you’ve been working out regularly, can you continue?

The answer is yes, but with some rules. For instance, some exercises, like leg lifts, stress the abdomen, just as full sit-ups, and deep knee bends. Those should be avoided. Talk with your health care professional about your regular workout and exercises to avoid. If you’ve never lived an active lifestyle, you shouldn’t start with rigorous training if you’re pregnant. Taking up competitive weightlifting or training for an Ironman race should be postponed until after the baby comes. Swimming, using step machines or walking are good ways to start exercising if you’re pregnant.

There are many benefits from exercising when you’re pregnant.

You’ll help maintain a healthy weight and maintain your fitness level better if you exercise when you’re pregnant. Exercise and being fit helps you have an easier birthing experience and an easier labor. It can improve your mood, make recovery from pregnancy quicker, and help keep your energy levels higher, both during pregnancy and after the baby is born. Exercise can help prevent gestational diabetes, boost your immune system and prevent fluid retention. It can help reduce morning sickness in the early months, aid in sleep and keep you and your baby healthier.

  • If you’ve had spotting, have a history of miscarriage, or have a weak cervix, take caution. Discuss it with your doctor.
  • When exercising, avoid exercises that involve twisting at the waist or exercises that have high impact and involve jumping. Avoid stretches that cause you to bounce. When you’re working out, breathe normally and don’t hold your breath.
  • While you should never start a program that involves lifting ultra-heavy weights, using light weights can prepare your arms for holding the baby. Other exercises, like Kegels, pelvic tilts and cardio are particularly helpful for delivery.
  • Avoid exercising in excessive heat, even when you’re not pregnant. Make sure you follow otherwise exercise rules, like hydrating regularly. During later months, as your center of gravity changes, avoid bicycling and switch to a stationary bike.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

How Exercise Can Help You Live Longer

How Exercise Can Help You Live Longer

You don’t have to live in Fort Lee, NJ, to know that your lifestyle makes a difference whether you live longer or not. Whether it’s eating healthier, getting adequate sleep and hydration or participating in a program of regular exercise they all increase your potential lifespan by reducing the risk of serious illnesses or conditions. Man was created to move and only the fittest survived. Today, because of poor eating habits and lack of exercise, we see an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and an epidemic of obesity.

You’ll rust out before you wear out.

When you exercise, it stimulates the creation of stem cells that replace the old cells in your body. It also helps lubricate joints and keeps muscles flexible, to help avoid injury. Exercise aids your digestive process, including improving the microbiome in your gut. Those microbes perform many of the tasks necessary to the body and even affect your mood. One study, conducted by the Cleveland Clinic and New York School of Medicine, found that obesity was the major cause for loss of life-years in the US. It was closely followed by smoking and tobacco use, high blood pressure and diabetes. You’ll note the last two are also linked to obesity.

Exercise helps protect the cells.

Besides building new cells, exercise also helps protect the old ones. Exercise also lengthens the telomeres. Telomeres protect the chromosomes and help keep them from unraveling. They act like aglets, those plastic tips on shoelaces, which keep the laces from fraying. The more you exercise, the longer the telomeres are. They wear away first, keeping the chromosome intact.

No matter what your age or your physical condition, you can exercise.

Even people who are bed bound can exercise. It’s good therapy and can keep muscles more supple. If you have a serious condition, like heart disease or cancer, the right type of exercise can help you. It provides benefits that include reduced side effects of treatment and improved results, reduced fatigue, improved attitude and faster recovery. People with painful conditions, like arthritis or back pain, will probably benefit from exercise. You’ll find most life threatening conditions improve with the right program of exercise added to treatment.

  • You can start a program of exercise at any age but start slowly if you’ve been a couch potato most of your life. One study in Australia found that walking 10K steps a day lowered mortality risk by 40%.
  • No matter what your age, your body continues to create stem cells that can replace any type of cell in the body. They’re often used to repair joints and many doctors suggest exercise to boost their creation.
  • Exercise helps boost the creation of nitric oxide, which makes the blood vessels relax, so they expand. That helps lower blood pressure.
  • Even mental health can be improved with exercise. It not only can reduce the potential for depression and anxiety, it also can keep the brain functioning better and is often used with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Best Organic Juices For Your Kids

Best Organic Juices For Your Kids

Parents in Fort Lee, NJ, like all parents across the US, want to find the healthiest foods for their kids, which includes looking for the best juices. It’s tough to do. There’s a lot to look at when searching the selection. It has to be something the kids will drink, be low in sugar and additives and contain the most nutrients possible. Of course, organic juice is a top priority. Studies show that some mistakes of the 1950s, where cities indiscriminately sprayed DDT for mosquito control, could affect generations of people, so limiting pesticides, herbicides and artificial fertilizer is important.

Watch for the sugar content.

Even though juice may be natural, with no added sugar, it still has sugar, but with none of the fiber that slows the delivery of the sugar into the bloodstream. Adding extra sugar to the mix can create a mixture that will have kids climbing the curtains for hours. Check the label for sugar content, especially added sugar. Also check for fiber content of the juice. Juicing at home provides more fiber for kids, and in many cases, more nutrients.

Too much fruit juice isn’t healthy.

Yes, your child will get extra nutrients from fruit juice and it’s far better than a sugary drink, but the FDA recommends you limit it. For children aged four to six, no more than six ounces should be consumed daily and for children from 7 to 18, that amount increases to an 8 ounce cup. Choose options that include both fruits and vegetables to cut down the sugar content and opt for those that are 100% fruit or vegetable juice, which is labeled “fruit juice” and “vegetable juice.” Only juices containing 100% juice can use that label.

Consider vegetable juices for kids.

Most parents think immediately of orange juice and other fruit juices when selecting drinks for children, but vegetable juices can also be delicious, just as mixtures of fruit and vegetable juices. While tomatoes are really a fruit, most people think of them as a vegetable. Their juice is a low sugar option that is high in antioxidants, has calcium to boost bone building, strengthens the immune system and can even help prevent lead toxicity, which has become far less of a problem in recent years. It has only 6 grams of natural sugar, and also has 2 grams of protein and 1 gram of fiber. It also contains folate, potassium, vitamins A, C, E and K.

  • If you choose apple juice for your child, be aware there are two types from which to select. The first is clear and the second is cloudy. Clear apple juice doesn’t have as much antioxidant power as cloudy apple juice does.
  • You can make an alternative to lemonade for kids that doesn’t contain added sugar. Juice one apple and one lemon then, mix and store in the refrigerator for ten minutes to chill before serving.
  • You don’t need a juicer for this kid-friendly combo that’s rich in iron and antioxidants to keep your child healthier. Put a cup of watermelon that’s seeded and a cup of mixed berries in a blender and it’s ready. Store in the refrigerator for up to two days.
  • If you’re purchasing juices for children, choose only shelf stable ones that are pasteurized and serve them only with a meal to limit tooth decay. If you give children juice at bedtime, it can cause digestive issues, too.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Myths About Losing Fat

Myths About Losing Fat

You may be burning tons of calories and eating healthily, but still have layers of fat around your middle. Most people focus on losing weight, when they should be focusing on losing fat. There are a myriad of myths about losing fat that you’ll hear when you’re trying to shed that extra fat around your belly. It’s hard enough to get into shape, but the misinformation makes it even more difficult.

One popular myth is that aerobic exercise is the best for losing fat.

Aerobic exercise, like running, is exceptional for burning calories, but not necessarily good for fat burning. When you run, you do burn tons of calories, but the body takes those calories from both fat and lean muscle mass. The less muscle mass you have, the fewer calories you burn, since muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance than fat tissue does. If fat burning is at the top of your list, do strength training workouts. They not only burn a lot of calories, but they also help build muscle mass, while burning calories from fat.

A starvation diet will help you lose fat is another myth.

Again, you’ll be using calories from lean muscle mass as well as from fat tissues. That loss of muscle mass makes weight loss more difficult. Your body also has a built in survival mechanism, where it slows the metabolism and goes into starvation mode when it isn’t receiving enough calories for an extended period. That also makes it harder to lose both weight and fat. You need both a program of regular exercise and a healthy diet that’s lower in calories, but not at starvation mode.

If you steer clear of all types of fat, you’ve fallen for another fat loss myth.

You need healthy fat for a number of reasons. Ironically, it’s necessary for burning fat! Food manufacturers look for ways to sell more product, it’s part of being in business. Some offer fat free options. You might not understand how that can be bad, but it is. Food tastes different when fat is removed. To make it more flavorful, they add sugar. Often the healthy fat the food contained was better for fat loss, than the reworked version that’s loaded with sugar and other carbs.

  • You think the more hours you’re active, the more calories you burn, so you don’t get enough sleep. When you lack sleep, it creates a hormonal imbalance, reducing leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full and increasing ghrelin, the one that makes you hungry, so you eat more.
  • You believe all you need is to workout regularly to lose weight. Sad, but true, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet. It takes both diet and exercise.
  • You don’t count what you drink into consideration. Whether it’s a sugary drink, a latte with the works or a beer with the gang, it all adds calories and can lead to slower fat loss. Even artificially sweetened drinks can put fat on around the middle.
  • You may believe the myth that working out at a specific time will help burn fat. The truth is, no matter when you workout, it’s good. You should have a specified workout time that you know you’ll be able to do consistently.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center