Fitness & Wellness

Develop A New Healthy Habit This Summer

Develop A New Healthy Habit This Summer

Good health isn’t about eating one nutritious meal or doing one push-up. It’s about consistently doing things that make you healthy by creating healthy habits. Everyone has at least one area of their life they could change to become healthier. Change can be overwhelming, but making one change at a time makes it easier. If you are a member of VIP Fitness in Fort Lee, NJ, you will have a head start.

Habits aren’t bad, they make life easier.

If you’re learning something new, you probably constantly repeat the steps in your head as you do them because they aren’t yet a habit. Imagine what it would be like if you had to do that with everything in your life. You’d have to remind yourself what to do next every minute. Habits put your body is on autopilot. Habits aren’t all beneficial. Mindlessly eating the last few bites before you clean the casserole dish is a habit that adds calories.

It takes time to develop a new habit.

You can make this summer the start of a new healthier lifestyle. Having a plan of action helps, but you can do it by changing just one thing. Do you need to exercise? Does your diet need some attention? Start small and work toward a bigger goal or find one goal and give it your all. The key is consistency. Some habits are easier to form, while others take longer. People used to think new habits only took 21 days to develop, but it all depends on the person and habit they’re forming. The average time is approximately 66 days, so you’ll have a new healthier habit by the end of summer.

Find what works for you.

Some people dive into the waters of change and immerse themselves in it. Others poke their toe in first and slowly enter. No matter what your goal is, you can approach it two ways. You can change everything at once or take it in steps. If exercise is the habit you want, you can start with a program with a trainer or by slowly increasing your activity, walking an additional 30 minutes a day and building from there.

  • Creating a habit requires consistency and dedication. If regular exercise is your goal, put it on your calendar as an appointment that’s as important as a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment.
  • If you don’t have time to exercise 30 to 45 minutes at one time, you can break the workout into two or three shorter sessions throughout the day. Just do them at the same time each day.
  • Trade a bad habit for a good one. If you want to give up smoking, start working out. It can help relieve some of the stress from quitting and is a much healthier option. Doing a set of burpees every time you want a cigarette can diminish your urge quickly.
  • You have to identify the new healthy habit you want and how you’re going to achieve it. Having an action plan can help you stick with your program. It eliminates wondering what to do next.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

The Science Behind Food Cravings

The Science Behind Food Cravings

Food cravings are more than just hunger. They have different origins, although being hungry increases cravings. Cravings begin in the reward system. The brain’s reward area is in various regions of the brain’s center. The hunger area is in the hypothalamus at the base of the brain, near the pituitary gland. It controls other rudimentary needs like hunger, thirst, blood pressure, and sleep. The center of the brain’s reward system functions to keep us alive and continue the species. It controls eating, sleeping, sex, and even response to the fight-or-flight response. It rewards the body with a feel-good neurotransmitter called dopamine.

The reward is the carrot, and the craving leads you to it.

You get a dopamine reward for doing activities necessary for your or the species’ survival. It can occur when you’re hungry and eat, even if the food isn’t healthy. It can occur when you’re consuming food while doing something you enjoy. Both examples create a memory since the reward system is also associated with the brain’s memory area. If you enjoyed something associated with a specific food or the food itself, you’re on the pathway of creating a craving. The desire for that dopamine rush leads people to eat certain foods even though they’re not hungry.

Many things cause cravings.

Not all cravings are about memories, emotions, or how food tastes. Some come from fluctuations in hormones. That accounts for pregnancy cravings and children who have pica—a craving to eat something that isn’t food, such as dirt, coins, burnt matches, and more. Each type of pica has a different name and cause. For instance, pregnant women’s pica cravings for ice may be due to iron deficiency. They can also come from hormonal fluctuations, similar to cravings during the menstrual cycle.

There are selective cravings and nonselective ones.

Cravings for a specific food, like cake, snacks, or ice cream, are selective cravings. Nonselective cravings relate to wanting anything to eat. They can occur because a person has true hunger or caused by dehydration and thirst. Sometimes, when people are thirsty, the signals mix in the brain and it’s mistaken for hunger. It’s why juicy watermelon looks so yummy, even if you’re not hungry for anything else. That craving is easy to solve. Drink a glass of water before eating something. If the desire disappears, it was thirst.

  • Stress can cause cravings. When people are under stress, they often want relief and crave good feelings that can come from comfort foods. Studies show that increased stress led to more cravings.
  • Getting more sleep can help control cravings. When you don’t have adequate sleep, your body produces more ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and less leptin, the satiety hormone. It increases nonselective cravings.
  • Reduce cravings by eating more protein, exercising, chewing gum, and drinking more water. Planning healthy snacks and preventing hunger can help curb cravings for high-calorie junk food.
  • You can develop cravings for both healthy and unhealthy food. Noticing how good you feel when you are eating healthier can trigger new memories and new cravings. It can create a new pleasure link to more nutritious food.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Trans Fat Vs Saturated Fat

Trans Fat Vs Saturated Fat

Both trans-fat and saturated fat occur naturally. Only small amounts of natural trans fats exist in the meat and dairy products of cows and other ruminant animals. The trans fats that are the troublemakers are man-made and come from hydrogenating oils. Saturated fat is natural. It’s solid at room temperature. The biggest difference between saturated fat and trans fats is that your body needs saturated fat, but man-made trans fats can harm it.

The trans-fat in most people’s diet isn’t natural, but man-made.

A German Chemist named Wilhelm Normann treated liquid vegetable oil and fish oils with hydrogen. In 1911 Proctor & Gamble hydrogenated cottonseed oil and Crisco entered the market. It wasn’t until the Depression and WWII that the shortage of butter increased the demand for hydrogenated oil, such as margarine. It had a longer shelf life, was cheaper, and was easier to access so the public loved it. It took over 100 years for the FDA to ban trans fats, but they did it in 2018.

Just because it’s banned, it doesn’t mean it still isn’t in food.

You would think a ban would mean that it couldn’t be in food, but that’s not true. It’s the processing method that creates that issue. It’s hard to tell when you read the label. The FDA allows manufacturers to list the trans fats in food as 0 on the label if it has less than 0 grams per serving. If the serving size is smaller than you consume, you could be eating more than you think. Eating food from other countries, where trans fats aren’t banned, is also a problem. Trans fats are in many snack foods and fast foods. Heating oil at high temperatures naturally creates trans fats, so foods fried in oil repeatedly heated probably are high in trans fats.

We know that trans fats are bad, but why are saturated fats bad?

While there are few studies on the effects of natural trans fats on the body, the evidence is pretty solid that man-made trans fats are unhealthy and have no redeeming qualities. It’s different when you’re speaking of saturated fats. Recent studies show that decreasing saturated fat showed no health benefits. Your body needs saturated fat to build cell membranes. Some saturated fats boost the immune system and aid in fighting tumors. Others help reduce body fat and aid in fat-soluble vitamin absorption.

  • Fat can aid in burning body fat. Your body needs fat. It’s all about the amount and type of fat. Between 20 and 35% of your calories should come from fat. 10% should come from saturated fat and 0% from trans fats.
  • If you’re trying to lower your intake of saturated fats, don’t choose fat-free options. Choose monounsaturated or polyunsaturated as a substitute.
  • Trans fats cause inflammation, which can lead to diabetes, some forms of cancer, arthritis, and heart disease. While butter contains natural trans fats and margarine contains artificially created trans fats, only margarine increases inflammatory markers.
  • The food source of saturated fat makes a difference. Saturated fat from red meat and butter increased the risk of heart disease, while saturated fat from yogurt or cheese reduced the risk.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Healthy Snacks To Always Have Handy

Healthy Snacks To Always Have Handy

Many people in Fort Lee, NJ, make healthy snacks ahead, so they’re ready when hunger hits. It can happen when you’re driving, at work, or home. Having them ready allows you to snack while sticking with a good nutrition program. Some people may think snacking is bad, but that’s not true. It’s an important part of any weight loss program. It helps you feel satisfied throughout the day so you aren’t tempted to eat junk food and won’t overeat at the next meal.

Have easy options in your refrigerator.

Fruit is an easy option that can be refrigerated or stored outside the refrigerator. Watermelon and cantaloupe are two examples of fruit you can prepare ahead and have ready. Just cube them and store them in the fridge for a cool treat that will satisfy both your need for a snack and your sweet tooth. Keeping berries, cherries, and grapes ready to eat is another option. You can even layer small mason jars in a parfait style with Greek yogurt, berries, bananas, and nuts. When you’re ready for a snack, they’re ready for you.

Of course, you can’t forget veggies and dip or popcorn.

You can make microwave popcorn from scratch. A microwave container with a lid you put on loosely and a bag of popcorn kernels are all you need. It’s healthier than the commercial microwave and far less expensive. Air-popped corn is the best option. Add flavor with seasonings. Having fresh veggies ready to eat can help provide snacks and ingredients ready for meal preparation. Use hummus or seasoned Greek yogurt for the dip.

Make trail mix and control ingredients while lowering the cost.

Trail mix can contain almost anything from nuts to M&Ms. Most of the trail mix you purchase contain lower-cost ingredients or ones that aren’t healthy. Create your own style of trail mix with nuts as the primary ingredient. Add in seeds, like shelled sunflower or pumpkin seeds, and dried fruit. You can add small amounts of dark chocolate, popcorn, peanut butter chips, or a few pretzels. If you want to add a little spice, salt, nutmeg, or cinnamon.

  • Peanut butter is a delicious topping for fruit. Slice apples and put on some peanut butter. You can also combine sliced cheese with fruit for another easy-to-make snack.
  • Cottage cheese and unsweetened applesauce make a good go-to snack. You can also top the cottage cheese with fresh fruit like berries, pineapple, or strawberries.
  • Having a cold treat ready in the summer is important. Frozen grapes are a delight. You can also blend fruit and pour it into ice pop molds. Just blend, freeze, and when you’re ready for a cold treat, eat.
  • If you need more fiber in your diet, make overnight oats and have them ready for those snacking emergencies. Top it with fruit or flavoring as a filling, but delicious snack.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Do Carbs Make You Fat?

Do Carbs Make You Fat?

Low carbohydrate diets play an important role in weight loss. While healthy low-carbohydrate diets are effective and nutritious when based on scientific principles, cutting out all carbs doesn’t follow the rules of good nutrition and can be dangerous. Not all carbs make you fat. Some carbs can help you lose weight while providing important nutrients.

There are good carbs, and there are bad carbs.

Carbohydrates are macronutrients and are primarily considered a source of energy. There are three categories of carbohydrates, simple, complex, and fiber. Simple carbs include sugar. They digest quickly and cause blood sugar levels to spike. Complex carbs are starchy carbs. They are harder to digest and include most vegetables, legumes, and grains. Fiber is the third type of carbohydrate. It slows the absorption of sugar, adds bulk, and feeds beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Sugar, simple carbs, provide little nutrition.

Simple carbs tend to be bad carbs. Simple carbs deliver an energy high quickly, but just as quickly as it spikes, it also drops because of a big increase in insulin levels. That can lead to insulin resistance, and ultimately to weight gain, and if left untreated, type 2 diabetes. Most simple carbs have little or no nutritional value, but plenty of calories that increase weight. These are the bad carbs and include highly processed foods, sugar, and food with added sugar.

Healthy carbs get a bad rap.

Complex carbs and fiber are often clumped with bad sources of carbs. That’s a mistake. You need these for both a healthy body and weight loss management. Complex carbs are loaded with nutrients, which include vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. They slow digestion so you’ll feel fuller longer. The fiber in good carbs slows the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber mixes with water to create a gel that softens stools and feeds beneficial bacteria in the gut. Insoluble fiber isn’t digested but adds bulk to the stool to make it easier to pass. Studies show a diet high in soluble fiber can promote heart health and lower the risk of developing high cholesterol.

  • Good carbs are found in the produce section since fruits and vegetables contain them and are in whole-grain products. Bad carbs are located in areas that sell baked goods, cookies, refined wheat products, and white rice.
  • Eating healthy doesn’t mean eliminating any of the macronutrients, protein, fats, or carbohydrates. It means choosing the healthiest option in each category.
  • If you’re trying to reduce the bad carbs in your diet, start by cutting out food with added sugar. It’s hard to do since sugar is addictive. It stimulates the opioid receptors in the brain that bring pleasure, similar to addictive drugs.
  • Healthy carbs can become unhealthy if they’re highly processed or cooked in an unhealthy manner. While onions, cauliflower, eggplant, broccoli, and peppers are healthy, the deep-fried counterparts of these vegetables aren’t.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Eating healthy is important. Healthy eating is about avoiding food that harms the body and consuming more food that offers benefits. Is apple cider vinegar—ACV—one of those? Many people in Fort Lee, NJ, believe it is. You can use it as a skin toner, hair rinse, acne treatment, and natural deodorant, but the real power is the flavor it adds to food and the health benefits it provides. ACV can even boost weight loss.

ACV is a fermented liquid.

ACV starts out with apples. The apples are chopped and put in water with sugar, which allows yeast to ferment it and turn it into hard cider, which is alcohol. The process doesn’t stop there. A second fermentation process turns the alcohol into acetic acid. The acetic acid gives it a sour flavor and strong smell. It’s also why ACV has health benefits. It’s a probiotic that boosts beneficial microbes and improves gut health and improves the immune system.

ACV may be beneficial for weight loss.

Both animal studies and human studies show benefits from ACV for weight loss. Rat studies show that acetic acid increases the metabolism of rats and prevents fat from being deposited. The reduction in fat deposits may have occurred because the rats given ACV were more active. Human studies came to similar conclusions. Compared to individuals that drank plain water, a group taking a tablespoon or two of ACV in water showed increased weight loss and better cholesterol levels. Other studies show consuming it in water increases the feeling of fullness, so people ate less.

Diabetics and those with insulin resistance may benefit from using ACV.

Insulin resistance occurs when insulin doesn’t cause cells to open to and uptake glucose from the blood. The high glucose levels trigger the production of more insulin. Eventually, the constant production of insulin can affect the body’s ability to create it, leading to type 2 diabetes. Several smaller studies show that ACV can improve insulin sensitivity and cause fasting blood sugar levels to be lower.

  • High blood sugar levels not only affect diabetes. It can result in chronic disease or early aging. ACV can lower blood glucose levels.
  • While ACV has many beneficial properties, it’s not a substitute for medical treatment or a healthy diet and regular exercise. Always consult your healthcare provider before making dramatic changes to your diet.
  • The acetic acid in ACV can create problems for anyone with stomach issues. Never take it without diluting it. Mix ACV with water if you’re using it as mouthwash or for a sore throat. Limit use as a tooth whitener.
  • Rubbing ACV into the scalp is beneficial as a dandruff treatment. Mix it with water and spray it on pets in the summer to help reduce flea problems. Fleas don’t like the slightly acidic conditions it creates.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center


Vitamin D - How Can You Increase It?

Vitamin D – How Can You Increase It?

Vitamin D is vital for good health. It boosts the immune system and performs other vital functions. Safe sunning can help increase your vitamin D naturally. The ultraviolet rays of the sun convert cholesterol into vitamin D. Safe sunning is minimal exposure to the sun. Too much exposure to solar rays can lead to skin cancer. Some people can get all the vitamin D they need from daily safe sunning, but if you live in Fort Lee, New Jersey, that’s not possible all year. You have to increase your Vitamin D through the food you eat or by taking a supplement.

Why is vitamin D important?

Vitamin D isn’t like other vitamins. It has a structure that’s similar to steroid hormones, such as adrenal or sex hormones. It also performs many of the functions of a hormone. It binds to receptors and triggers specific reactions. It acts as a messenger, affecting every cell of the body. Your body uses vitamin D to boost the immune system. Studies show that about half of the adult population has a vitamin D deficiency. One study showed that 80% of the patients of hospitalized patients with covid, were deficient in vitamin D. Muscle weakness, cancer, depression, osteoporosis, and death can occur from too little vitamin D. Obesity is also linked to vitamin D deficiency.

Besides safe sunning, eating healthy can improve your vitamin D intake.

Cod liver oil is probably the best-known source of vitamin D, but if you’ve ever tasted it, you’ll know why it’s not very popular. Other foods higher in vitamin D, like fatty fish, beef liver or other animal livers, eggs, fish roe—think caviar, a special type of fish roe—lard from free-range pork, eel, and duck fat all contain vitamin D. Some food is fortified with vitamin D, like milk products, orange juice, and cereal.

Make small changes in your eating habits to boost vitamin D.

If you choose animal products from free-range or grass-fed animals or wild salmon, you can boost your vitamin D intake. Their products are far higher in vitamin D than ones raised on traditional factory farms. These types of animal products are also higher in vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, and CLA. Wild salmon contains about four times the amount of vitamin D as farmed salmon. Poultry liver contains more vitamin D than other types of animal livers.

  • Vitamin D is necessary for healthy teeth. It promotes the absorption of phosphorous and calcium, allowing the teeth to recalcify and repair.
  • The two primary types are D2 and D3. D2 comes from plant sources and D3 comes from animal sources. Vitamin D helps maintain healthy insulin levels and plays a role in both lung and heart health.
  • Your need for vitamin D increases as you age. For people under 70, it’s 600 IU a day. If you’re over 70 it increases to 800 IU daily.
  • If you’re safe sunning to boost your vitamin D, start at 5 to 15 minutes daily, depending on your complexion. The lighter your skin, the less time you spend in the sun. It’s safest to do it at noon when the sun is highest.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

What Is Your Motivation To Be Healthy?

What Is Your Motivation To Be Healthy?

Dragging yourself to the gym after a full day at work can be difficult. It’s easy to simply aim your car for home and drive. That won’t make you any healthier and can be the start of quitting your program completely. To make that commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise, you have to find your motivation to be healthy and keep that thought in mind when you feel like quitting.

Why is staying healthy important to you?

Of course, you want to be healthy! Who doesn’t? What does that mean to you? Being healthier may mean being able to run further, lift more, or simply not getting sick. It may mean losing weight and waking up with more energy every day. If you have children or grandchildren, being healthy may mean being able to enjoy family fun and living to see them graduate and start families of their own.

If weight loss is your goal, why do you want to lose weight?

It’s not vain to want to look good. It’s often the reason people start a healthy regimen of exercise and diet. But why do you want to look better? Your motivation must come from within, not because a friend said you were overweight, but because you want to do it. There is a powerful motivator that I’ve frequently seen. It’s called revenge weight loss and fitness, where the best revenge is looking your best. It often occurs after a break-up or snide remark. Most of the time, after a few months, people forget about the other person and continue because they enjoy how they look and feel.

Create a plan to build on your motivation.

Simply knowing your motivation isn’t enough. You need a plan of action. You have to identify what it will take to help you achieve what you want and turn it into a goal. Give yourself a timeline and make your goal measurable. Break your big goal down into smaller, easier-to-achieve weekly goals/ No matter what your goal, it must be realistic. If you’re big-boned and six feet tall, you’ll never be petite. It doesn’t mean you can’t be slender or fit.

  • Even with motivation, it’s hard to stay on track. Working out with a friend can help keep you motivated, too. Working with someone else keeps you accountable. It’s one of the reasons personal trainers are so beneficial.
  • Meal planning can also help you stick with a program. You can plan meals yourself or get help from other sources. Then you shop one day, cook on the weekend, and have healthy meals you can heat and eat for the week.
  • Stay consistent. Workout at the same time every day to create a habit. Once exercising is a habit, it’s easier to maintain. Even if progress is slow, remember it’s all about consistency and continuous effort.
  • No matter what your motivation to be healthier is, it should be a combination of exercise and healthy eating. You need both. If you skip exercise for a day or eat unhealthy food, it’s not the end of the world. Just start anew the next day.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Can I Really Boost My Immunity With Veggies?

Can I Really Boost My Immunity With Veggies?

Who doesn’t want a healthy, powerful immune system that helps protect you from illness and serious conditions? Nobody, that’s who. One way to give your immunity a boost is to consume more fruits and veggies. Clients who come to VIP Fitness in Fort Lee, NJ get nutritional counseling. It includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Some help lower blood pressure, others help lose weight and still others can help boost your immunity. So which vegetables are the best if you want a strong immune system to prevent colds, flu, and other illnesses?

You don’t have to eat citrus to get the benefits of vitamin C.

Vitamin C plays a role in many of your bodily functions, including immune function. It boosts the immune system. When most people think of vitamin C, they think of oranges and lemons, but many other fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C besides citrus fruits. For instance, red or yellow sweet bell peppers are high in vitamin C, just as green chili peppers are. One green chili pepper provides 121% of your daily requirement for vitamin C. Kale and broccoli also provide high amounts of vitamin C.

It takes more than just vitamin C to keep your immune system healthy.

Your body needs zinc, iron, and vitamins A, D and E to maintain a healthy immune system. You also need phytonutrients. Legumes, nuts, and seeds are good vegetarian iron sources. Focus on orange and yellow vegetables like sweet potatoes or squash for vitamin A. Spinach is another good source. The sun and animal products like egg yolk and oily fish provide most vitamin D, but certain mushrooms also contain it. Scientists classify mushrooms as fungus but for nutritional purposes, they’re a vegetable. Vitamin E is in many plants. Green leafy ones, like spinach, are a good source. So are asparagus, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.

Phytonutrients play a significant role in immune health.

Phytonutrients are part of the plant’s defense system. They’re natural chemicals in plants that protect them from fungi, bugs, germs, and other threats. Some phytonutrients give plants their color. Anthocyanins, for instance, make purple, blue, and deep red veggies that color. Other phytonutrients include polyphenols, flavonoids, resveratrol, carotenoids, and limonoids. A good example of how well they boost your immune system was the study that found elderberries as effective as Tamiflu for preventing the flu.

  • Any food that improves the gut microbiome can boost your immune system. Sauerkraut and Kimchi, both fermented vegetables, are excellent choices. Vegetables with soluble fiber, like broccoli, are other good choices.
  • Herbs and spices, such as garlic, cayenne pepper, saffron, ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric won’t make a meal, but they come from plants and boost your immune system. It’s the curcumin in turmeric and allicin in garlic that helps.
  • Folate is another nutrient to improve immune health. It’s made of leafy greens, lentils, and beans.
  • While eating food that boosts your immune system is beneficial, it’s just as important to avoid food that interferes with it, like sugar. To be your healthiest, remove food with added sugar from your diet.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center

Have You Thought About Mindful Eating?

Have You Thought About Mindful Eating?

What is mindful eating? It’s simple. It’s taking the time to truly enjoy your food. If you’re a speed eater and can suck up an entire meal in no time, it’s time to change your course and learn to enjoy food. Some people have such a busy schedule, they either eat their meal fast or eat it while they’re doing other things. That takes away from the pleasure of eating. If you wolf down your food, you certainly aren’t experiencing any of the subtleties of the food, like its flavor, texture, and appearance. You also eat more than you probably intend when you have more time to eat.

Mindless eating can also include eating food without realizing it.

Have you ever been to a party with snack food and realized that every time you passed the food table, which was quite often, you ate another handful of chips? Maybe you cleaned the leftovers from the meal by eating those last few bites or snacked on anything available when you’re under stress, angry or frustrated. All that mindless eating not only robs you of the pleasure of food, but it can also pack on the pounds.

Be in the present at mealtime.

That might sound Confucius-like, but don’t ignore it. A lot of the food most people eat is done mindlessly. Spend a week writing down everything you eat. It will make you more aware of those snacks that you otherwise wouldn’t remember. Once you’ve identified those times, now focus on what the food tastes like when you eat. What is the texture? Is it sweet? Sour? How does it feel in your mouth while you eat it? Savor it, chew it well, and eat it more slowly.

If you are embarrassed by your weight, you may eat rapidly, so no one will notice.

There are many reasons for people to eat rapidly. Most of them fall back on habits or hunger. If you work a job with a short lunch hour, you may develop the habit of eating rapidly so you can get back to work. However, some people, particularly those who are overweight, have shamed themselves into feeling embarrassed every time they eat, so they eat fast, just to get it out of the way. Eating fast removes all the pleasure from eating good food. It also doesn’t give your stomach a chance to signal to the brain that it’s full, so you eat more.

  • Both texture and taste play a huge role in whether you enjoy food or not. If you’ve kept a food journal, you may notice that when you’re under stress you like crunchy things or comfort food. Find low-calorie alternatives, like celery instead of potato chips.
  • Chewing your food more allows you to savor the flavor, and aids your digestion in the process. The longer you chew your food, the more digestion takes place in the mouth, resulting in fewer digestive issues.
  • Tracking the food you eat and focusing on the pleasure it brings not only helps you eat healthier and enjoy food more, but it also can bring issues to light. It helps you identify what really bothers you, and you are burying with eating.
  • Mindful eating has proven to help people take-off weight and keep it from returning. One group that attended a six-month course on mindful eating not only lost an average of 26 pounds, but they didn’t regain it later.

For more information, contact us today at VIP Fitness Center