Golf Conditioning Can Improve Your Game
No matter what your score in golf, it can always get better. Today, more and more golfers are adding golf conditioning to their improvement program. While you don’t have to have a personal trainer to start working out, when it comes to specialized workouts, such as ones that prepare your body for a specific sport, […]
Functional Training Prepares Your Body for Active Living
If you don’t want big muscles but do want to live healthier, functional training might just be your answer. If a person is functionally fit, he or she has the muscle development to the common daily task everyone does, but at a reduced risk of injury. Functional training uses several different muscles at the same […]
Enjoy Your Exercise
Probably the most frequently heard complaint about exercising is that it’s boring. It’s very important that you enjoy your exercise. If you don’t, the odds of you continuing decrease. There are a number of different reasons people become turned off to exercise. Sometimes they lack variety, sometimes they simply don’t challenge themselves and sometimes they […]
When It Comes to Fitness, You Have to Be Realistic to Be Successful
In the world of fitness, you must be realistic to be successful. Don’t expect to lose weight miraculously or build muscles without working. Becoming fit takes dedication and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. That doesn’t mean it can’t be fun and exciting. Anything worth having is worth working for and fitness is definitely on the […]
Improve Your Life and Health by Making Positive Changes
Making positive changes toward better health can occur a little at a time and be so minor, you may even doubt they help. However, when you add all these changes together, you start to see big differences in the way you look and feel. Bad habits creep in just as easily. Maybe you never bought […]
Nutritional Tips in Edgewater Can Make Weight Loss Easier
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a mom who wants to make meals healthier, someone who wants to lose weight or your doctor told you to eat healthier for better health, you’ll get some beneficial nutritional tips in Edgewater when you use the services of a personal trainer with a certification in nutrition. You’ll be amazed […]
You’ll Lose Weight Faster with a Combination North Bergen Weight Loss Program
If you’re serious about wanting to lose weight, you won’t get permanent results with the latest diet you found on the internet. Diets just don’t work. Instead you need a North Bergen weight loss program that combines healthy eating with exercise. This type of approach takes weight off fast and keeps it from ever returning. […]
Learn Healthy Recipes from a Fort Lee Personal Trainer
You might initially think of a Fort Lee personal trainer as just an exercise coach, but trainers are far more than that. Personal trainers not only help you maximize your workout time but also can show you healthy recipes in Fort Lee to lower your caloric intake, without making you feel deprived or leaving you […]
Edgewater Workouts
If weight loss is your goal, dieting alone won’t help. However, when you combine a healthy lower calorie diet and a workout, you’ll have a dynamite combination to blast away faster. Of course, knowing how to do each exercise correctly is important, since executing a routine incorrectly can minimize the benefits and sometimes even cause […]
Don’t Believe These 5 Myths
Nothing irks me more than when good people are misled by fitness myths. These myths interfere results and keep people miles from their goal weight. So I’ve got to warn you about the false rumors going around Bergen County, about strength training. Strength training is the number one thing you could possibly do for your […]