
The Importance Of Rest Days

The Importance Of Rest Days

One big mistake we often see people make is being too dedicated. They do an intense workout every day and never take rest days. Taking time to let your muscles recover is important. Without recovery time, you could be sabotaging your fitness goals. You actually build muscle tissue when you’re letting it rest. When you […]

Yummy Benefits Of Watermelon

Yummy Benefits Of Watermelon

There are many benefits from eating watermelon. As the name implies, it contains a lot of water, approximately 92%. That can aid in hydrating you and keeping you feeling full longer. Most people who come to VIP 1 to 1 Fitness know we not only emphasize staying hydrated, but also eating healthy, nutritious foods. Watermelon […]

What Makes Cilantro A Super-Herb?

What Makes Cilantro A Super-Herb?

Is cilantro a super-herb or just a wonderful herb to flavor salsa? It’s easy to answer. There are a number of healthy reasons for adding cilantro to your diet. The cilantro plant looks a lot like parsley when it’s growing and if it bolts and forms flowers, eventually those flowers turn to seed, which is […]

Can I Workout While Pregnant?

Can I Workout While Pregnant?

While everyone is different and has different experiences and health conditions, in general, it’s not only safe to workout when you’re pregnant, but also beneficial. However, ultimately, you need to discuss this with your health care professional, especially if you have health issues or complications. Even if you’re not a first time mother and have […]

How Exercise Can Help You Live Longer

How Exercise Can Help You Live Longer

You don’t have to live in Fort Lee, NJ, to know that your lifestyle makes a difference whether you live longer or not. Whether it’s eating healthier, getting adequate sleep and hydration or participating in a program of regular exercise they all increase your potential lifespan by reducing the risk of serious illnesses or conditions. […]

Best Organic Juices For Your Kids

Best Organic Juices For Your Kids

Parents in Fort Lee, NJ, like all parents across the US, want to find the healthiest foods for their kids, which includes looking for the best juices. It’s tough to do. There’s a lot to look at when searching the selection. It has to be something the kids will drink, be low in sugar and […]

Myths About Losing Fat

Myths About Losing Fat

You may be burning tons of calories and eating healthily, but still have layers of fat around your middle. Most people focus on losing weight, when they should be focusing on losing fat. There are a myriad of myths about losing fat that you’ll hear when you’re trying to shed that extra fat around your […]

Have You Heard Of The Pineapple Diet?

Have You Heard Of The Pineapple Diet?

In this crazy world of weight loss and fitness, there are many different types of workouts and diets. One of the more radical types of quick weight loss diets that’s been around since the 70s is the pineapple diet. At VIP Fitness Center in Fort Lee, New Jersey, we don’t focus on a specific diet […]